  • 期刊


Exploring the Teaching Methods for an Advanced Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Master Program


目前國內護理碩士班已朝向各科領域的進階執業護理師發展,但尚未建立適合應用於有臨床經驗的碩士班學生專業知能之教學方法。本研究為整合性研究,整體目的為建構進階精神衛生護理師課程與教學模式,本研究目的即為之分項目標之一,重點於探討進階精神衛生護理課程之教學方法。本研究運用行動研究法之規劃(planning)、行動(acting)、觀察(observing)、反省(reflecting)將研究步驟分為:規劃、實際教學、省思觀察、執行評值及回饋。將執行過程做為記錄再以內容分析法分析資料。研究結果顯示包含多元課程教學方法:1.透過運用3S(Self-leaming, Student-centered, Small-group)為理念之教學法於精神衛生照護一及二,輔以情境教學、講授、討論、觀摩報告等方法;2.精神衛生照護三的教學法為臨床教案導向學習(Clinical Scenario-Based Learning, CSBL)、實務情境示範演練、講授法、討論法、腦力激盪、批判示範、觀摩報告。以3S為理念的教學方法之執行共識及臨床教案導向學習策略之配合條件,須持續討論及發展運用。本研究結果可供國內碩士班發展進階精神衛生護理課程教學方法之參考。


Currently, the nursing master's program has headed to development of the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) in each sub-field. However, a suitable teaching method mechanism has not yet been established for the MA students who have clinical experiences. The purpose of this study is to explore teaching methods for APN master program in psychiatric mental health nursing. In this study, we adopted action research methods including planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The research procedures are divided into phases of planning, practice teaching, reflection observation, evaluation and feedback. Researchers are actors of five faculty members who are involved in the master program of psychiatric mental health nursing in a nursing school. The implementation process was recorded and data were later analyzed. The results have demonstrated the benefits of diverse teaching methods: 1. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing I and II can use the 3S as the principal of teaching methods (Self-learning, Student-centered, Small-group), which can be combined with situational teaching, discussions and observation report; 2. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing III can use the CSBL (Clinical Scenario-Based Learning) method, which can be combined with practical demonstration of the exercise scenario, discussions, brainstorming, critical reflection and observation reports. The implementation of 3S teaching method and the Clinical Scenario-Based Learning should be continued for further discussions and for development in its use. This study could provide psychiatric mental health nursing's master program with a meaningful and useful reference on the development of teaching methods.


