  • 期刊


The Effect of a Horticultural Planting Program on Self-stigma for Patients Suffering from Chronic Schizophrenia


背景:慢性思覺失調症患者自我污名情形嚴重,園藝種植綠化方案對患者具有促進正向情緒的功能,國內外卻少有以園藝種植綠化方案協助改善患者自我污名感受之研究。目的:探討園藝種植綠化方案,對慢性思覺失調症患者的精神疾病污名感受之成效。方法:採兩組前後測實驗研究設計,選取中部某精神專科醫院105位住院之慢性思覺失調症個案,實驗組56名個案接受每週一次,為期八週的園藝種植綠化方案,對照組49名個案則接受常規照顧,兩組於方案前後,皆填寫相同之精神疾病污名感受量表、情境特質焦慮量表Y版、生活事件之自我效能量表與柯式憂鬱量表作為評量。結果:兩組個案前後測結果比較,實驗組可顯著改善精神疾病污名感受(t = -3.288, p = .001),考量時間與組別之交互作用,園藝介入對精神疾病污名感受之自設負面標籤、生活事件之自我效能的精神症狀因應與憂鬱狀態皆具顯著差異。結論/實務應用:研究結果支持園藝種植綠化方案能減緩精神疾病污名感受。建議精神照護專家可將五官六感的園藝活動應用於慢性思覺失調症患者,以協助改善疾病污名感受。


Background: Discrimination against people having chronic schizophrenia is a prominent form of disease stigma in our society. Horticultural planting programs are known for its benefits in fostering positive moods for patients suffering from chronic schizophrenia. However, studies having examined the effectiveness of horticultural planting programs used to mitigate the self-stigma of patients having chronic schizophrenia remain rare. Purpose: The study aims at examining the effectiveness of horticultural planting program designed to reduce the perceived psychiatric stigma of patients who suffer from chronic schizophrenia.Method: Adopting two-group pre-test and post-test designs, the study recruited 105 chronic schizophrenia inpatients at a psychiatric hospital in central Taiwan. Fifty-six subjects in the experimental group took part in the horticultural planting program one time a week for eight weeks, while 49 participants in the control group received regular care. Members in both groups received assessment based on four measurement scales of pre-test and post-test. Four instruments included: Perceived Psychiatric Stigma Scale (PPSS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Y (STAI Y-1), Life Events Self-Efficacy Scale and Ko Depression Inventory (KDI). Results: In comparison with the members in the control group, subjects in the experimental group showed statistically a significant decrease in perceived psychiatric stigma as indicated by the post-test (t = -3.288, p = .001).With the interaction of time and group taken into consideration, the horticultural planting program appeared to produce significant differences in the aspects of self-deprecation, life events self-efficacy, and depression status. Conclusions: The study results provide empirical evidence about the effectiveness of a horticultural planting program used to alleviate perceived psychiatric stigma. Mental health care professionals are recommended to apply a horticultural planting program that involves with exercise of all five senses to help reduce the disease stigma afflicting patients who suffer from chronic schizophrenia.


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