  • 期刊


Current Status of Sexual Healthcare Knowledge Among Psychiatric Nurses


目的:臨床護理人員的性健康照護知識對於提供精神病人全人健康照護,具有關鍵性影響,而目前有關護理人員性健康照護的知識之實證知識仍欠缺,本研究目的為探討精神科護理人員於性健康照護的知識現況,以作為未來發展介入方案之參考。方法:採橫斷式研究設計,以177位精神科護理人員為研究對象,研究工具包含基本屬性及性健康照護知識量表。結果:精神科護理人員之性健康照護知識介於64.5-77.4%,有約會經驗(t = 4.59, p < .05)、戀愛經驗(t = 4.20, p <.05)、固定男女朋友(t = 3.41, p < .05)及性經驗(t = 3.08, p < .05)者,其性健康照護知識較佳;但與性別、年齡、婚姻狀態、家庭型態、與父母關係等無關。結論與建議:護理教育宜加入性健康照護之評估,強化性健康照護教育知能,以強化照護品質;而精神科臨床在職教育,宜強化性健康照護之臨床護理實務、諮商及溝通、護理性教育之各項知能。


Introduction: Empirical evidence on the sexual health care knowledge of clinical nurses, which affects the provision of comprehensive health care to patients with mental illness, is lacking. This study explored the current status of sexual health care knowledge among psychiatric nurses to provide a reference for intervention development. Method: In this cross-sectional study, 177 psychiatric nurses provided their demographic information and completed a sexual health care knowledge scale. Results: The level of sexual health care knowledge ranged between 64.5% and 77.4% and was significantly greater in nurses with dating experience (t = 4.59, p < .05), love experience (t = 4.20, p < .05), a significant other (t = 3.41, p < .05), and sexual experience (t = 3.08, p < .05). However, gender, age, marital status, family type, and parents' relationship status were not significantly associated with sexual health care knowledge. Implications for Practice: The assessment of sexual health care knowledge should be incorporated into nursing education to fill the health care gap, refine the concept of comprehensive health care, and enhance the quality of care. Furthermore, sexual health care should be integrated into the clinical on-the-job education of psychiatric nurses to promote relevant knowledge acquisition as well as consultation and design.


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