  • 期刊


Reduction of Fall Incidents Among Patients in Chronic Psychiatric ward




The nature of psychiatric disorders and long-term antipsychotic use render inpatients with psychiatric disorders vulnerable to falls, and fall-related injuries may result in an increase in medical expenses, hospital days, and even medical disputes. The number of fall incidents from the fourth quarter of 2018 to the first quarter of 2019 exceeded the hospital's threshold. The high fall rate is attributed to the following factors: lack of patient knowledge regarding fall prevention, low lower limb muscle strength, poor balance, and probable sarcopenia. The content of the Fall Prevention Health Education Manual is extensive and not specialized for use with psychiatric inpatients. Moreover, the number of nurses who execute fall prevention operations is inadequate. Based on a literature review and group discussion, the following measures were implemented: (1) Group fall prevention education programs were conducted, and publicity posters were created and hung around the ward. (2) Tai Chi exercise intervention was administered. (3) The content of the Fall Prevention Health Education Manual was revised to include psychiatric specialties. (4) Finally, care standards for fall prevention in psychiatric wards were formulated. The incidence of fall incidents was reduced from 0.131% to 0.00%, thereby effectively maintaining patient safety and improving the quality of care.


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