  • 期刊


Applying Behavioral Modification in Nursing Care for a Patient with Moderate Intellectual Disability and Obesity




智能障礙 肥胖 行為修正


This article discusses the nursing experience of applying behavior modification to a case involving a moderate intellectual disability combined with obesity. Due to medication side effects, the individual experienced an increase in appetite, leading to continuous weight gain. Additionally, limited understanding and judgment due to disease factors hindered effective management of daily life skills and interpersonal interactions. From April 20, 2021, to March 31, 2022, through techniques such as observation and interviews, and utilizing a comprehensive assessment across the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual dimensions, the identified issues in the case included obesity, social interaction difficulties, and a lack of self-care abilities. A therapeutic interpersonal relationship was established with the individual through a sincere, accepting, and ongoing caring attitude. Behavior modification was implemented using language that the individual could comprehend, along with supportive tools such as cards and videos, to address and improve the case's unhealthy habits. This approach led to successful weight reduction and the development of positive lifestyle habits and social interaction skills. It is hoped that this case report can provide supporting evidence for the successful weight reduction of individuals with intellectual disabilities and obesity through behavior modification. This contribution is crucial for future nursing practices, aiming to enhance the quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities.


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