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Promoting the Accuracy of Medication Administration forNurses in Intensive Care Unit


醫療團隊品質中病人安全是受重視與落實執行指標之一,其中用藥安全是不可或缺項目,而執行給藥是護理人員高頻率護理活動之一,也是病人藥物安全最後的把關者。2014 年 1 月11 日至1 月19 日進行給藥過程稽核,結果正確率73.9%,分析原因為執行給藥三讀五對不確實、未啟動輸液儀器、輸液儀器設定錯誤、給藥系統未即時更新、中斷給藥過程。藉由微電影影片的觀賞和討論、提升給藥專心度、製作儀器設定提醒標籤、設立計分板等多項解決方案推動。經專案執行期2014 年3 月1 日至9 月30日實施後給藥執行正確率提升至100%。此專案後給予病人安全和最佳照護品質。


The medical team in quality and patient safety is one of great importance to the implementation of performance indicators by which the project is essential drug safety, and perform administration is one of the high-frequency nursing care activities, but also last patient drug safety gatekeepers. administered audit process, the results are correct rate 73.9% during the period between January 11- 19,2014, to analyze the reasons for the implementation of the third reading of five pairs administration does not, does not start the infusion instrument, transfusion instrument setting error, system administration is not updated in real time interrupt during administration. With micro-film viewing and discussion of the film, to enhance the degree of concentration of administration, production equipment set reminders label, set up scoreboards and a number of solutions to promote. After execution of the project, perform the correct implementation of the administration rate of up to 100% during the period between March 1 and September 30,2014.After giving this project the best quality of care and patient safety.


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