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The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Extremely-Low-Birth-Weight Premature Infant with Imperforate Anus




早產兒 無肛症 腸造口 親子依附


This article described the caring for experience of a 23-week preterm infant with extremely-low-birth-weight of 512g at birth and imperforate anus, from July 16 to September 30,2017. With systemic assessment the patient's physical, behavioral and family conditions are evaluated. We collected data by direct care, observation and conservation with the patient's parents during nursing care, and the following nursing problems are established:(1)Inefficient breathing pattern/ is related to pulmonary hypoplasia;(2)Impaired skin integrity/ is associated with extravasation of stomy application;(3)High risk of parent-infant detachment/ is related to hospitalization of premature infants;(4)Tension of Caregiver/ is due to lack of parental care experience. Through individualized nursing interventions during the period of care, the author aimed to stabilize the vital signs and to fulfill the physiological needs of the patient, stomy care and enhance skin barrier from damage and encourage parents to participate in the joint-care plan in order to create a link between the parent and child. We also Provide the parents the information of home care such as prematurity and enterostomy care on their own initiative to alleviate the anxiety of their parents and to enhance parental confidence. It is hoped that this experience of care will provide a reference for the colleagues in clinical care and regular lecture about care of stomy in preterm infant is recommended so that nursing staff can possess more professional Knowledge and skills, and systematically provide discharge preparation plans to alleviate the pressure of caregivers, thereby enhancing home care capacity.


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早產兒基金會訊(2013)。認識早產 。 2013 年 9 月 20 日取自 http://www.pbf.org.tw/html/c01.asp
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