  • 期刊


Development and Research for Impregnation Process in Aluminum Components


本研究實驗以美國軍規MIL-L-17563為製程標準,針對鋁合金標準試件,使用真空含浸方法和指定有機含浸劑IMPRX 95-1000A,進行試件表面含浸製程加工處理探討。以含浸液溫度、含浸艙真空度、成化槽熱水溫度、乾燥時間、共四個參數因子進行田口實驗計畫法之L9(34)直交表穩健設計後,進行真空含浸實驗,含浸實驗後對試件進行耐冷水的性能、耐熱性能、耐油性能測試,探討含浸製程參數改變,對於試件的含浸層材料性質所造成的影響程度。實驗量測值以田口實驗計畫法分析其S/N比後並正規化,再透過SPSS軟體進行主成份分析,藉由主成份總得點數之因子分析,應用田口分析法,對試件之耐冷水的性能、耐熱性能、耐油性能之三個含浸層品質特性,開發出含浸層多重品質特性最佳化製程技術參數組合。實驗結果顯示:(1)含浸艙真空度越高相對於耐冷水的性能、耐熱性能、耐油性能皆越高,為顯著影響因子。(2)含浸液成化後加以乾燥的時間愈長,對含浸多重品質特性愈有助益。(3)含浸液溫度到達一定溫度後,含浸效果即可處於最佳狀態,再提升含浸液溫度並無法有效產生較佳的含浸效果。(4)成化槽熱水溫度對於三個含浸層材料性質所造成的影響程度並不顯著。(5)鋁合金件含浸製程技術多重品質最佳化參數組合為:(a)含浸液溫度20℃,(b)含浸艙真空度1x10-4 Torr,(c)成化槽熱水溫度90℃,(d)乾燥時間40分鐘。(6)影響鋁合金件含浸製程技術中最重要的控制因子及其貢獻度依序為:含浸艙真空度54.2422%、乾燥時間24.3151%、含浸液溫度17.7898%。(7)最佳化參數組合的S/N比相對於初始參數組合之改善量為:耐冷水性能增加0.40406db(有效減少重量損失0.1 mg),耐熱性能及耐油性能則無改善空間。最後以最佳化之參數進行真空含浸確認實驗,實驗結果証實利用田口實驗計畫法搭配主成份分析法,所找出的一組最佳化鋁合金試件含浸參數組合,確實能有效改善含浸製程之全部三項品質特性。


This study followed the American military specification MIL-L-17563 as the standard experiment procedure to perform the impregnation process testing on the aluminum alloy specimens. The vacuum impregnation method with the organically infusion liquid, IMPRX 95-1000A was used to study the effects of the impregnation process on the aluminium alloy specimens. A Taguchi Design of Experiments (DOE) using the L9(34) Orthogonal Array was conducted with four control factors including infusion liquid temperature, vacuum level in the impregnation tank, curing temperatures and the drying times. After completing the DOE experiments, the effects of the changes of each control factor on the impregnated specimens' cold water-bearing, heat-resistant, and oil-resistant performances were evaluated.The experimental values were first measured and analysized by Taguchi S/N ratio and standardized. Then the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the SPSS software was employed to analyze the total gains of each control factor. Finally, the Taguchi method was used to evaluate three impregnation characteristics-the cold water-bearing, heat-resistant, and oil-resistant performances - to obtain the combination of the control factors for the best multiple qualities of the impregnated specimens.From these experiments, it can be concluded that: (1) vacuum level is the most significant influenceing factor, which could raise all the three performances including cold water-bearing, heat-resistant, and oil-resistant performances; (2) after completing curing infusion liquid, the longer the drying time was, the better the multiple qualities of the impregnated samples appeared; (3) when the temperatures of the infusion liquid were raised to a specific degree, its effect then was at the optimum condition. The further rising of the temperatures could not raise the qualities of the impregnated samples' properties; (4) curing temperature had no significant effect on all the three impregnation characteristics; (5) the optimized parameters for impregnated aluminum alloys having the best multiple qualities were as follows: (a) immersion temperature at 20℃, (b) vacuum level in the impregnation tank at 1x10-4 torr, (c) the hot water temperature in the curing tank at 90℃, and (d) the drying time for 40 minutes; (6) the contributions of each control factor to the impregnated aluminum alloys were 54.2422% by the vacuum level in the impregnation tank, 24.3151% by the drying time, and 17.7898% by the hot water temperatures in the curing tack; (7) the S/N ratio of the optimized parameters to the initial ones in volume only showed to increase cold water-bearing performance for 0.40406db (effective in reducing weight loss 0.1 mg), but there had no improvement for heat-resistant and oil resistant performances.Finally, the optimized values of the control factors were employed in a confirmatory trial run which used Taguchi Design of Experiments coupled with Principal Component Analysis too. In the confirmatory trial run, it confirmed that the three quality characteristics of the impregnated aluminum alloy specimens had been significantly improved.
