  • 期刊


The Application of YOGA Activity in Psychiatric Occupational Therapy


瑜珈活動是目前國人普遍作為養生、放鬆身心、減壓的休閒與運動的活動之一,但應用在臨床精神科的成效上卻尚未被研究與討論。本研究之目的透過國人普遍利用的休閒活動瑜珈,應用於精神障礙病患在急性與慢性不同症狀時期的成效探討。 本研究針對某醫學中心精神科急性病房之住院病患15人(男生5人,女生10人,平均年齡35歲;SD=8.59 years),參加每天一次且每次60分,為期二週瑜珈活動。另對精神科日間復健中心病患19人(男生7人,女生12人,平均38歲;SD=12.01 years),進行為期4週,每週五次,每次60分的瑜珈活動。每位病患於第一次與最後一次上課時,完成職能治療綜合評量評估與焦點團體的討論,以了解病患參加瑜珈活動後之成效。 研究結果顯示,透過職能治療人員針對精神病患情緒壓力問題,設計的瑜珈內容及配 合團體分享討論的特性,可以對急慢性病患的負向情緒如無望感、焦慮、憂鬱及睡眠品質有明顯改善,而且病患參與活動的動機和參與度也明顯增加。期望透過本研究之結果,能提供精神科職能治療活動的另一選擇,不僅促進病患與生活的融合,亦可提升日常生活品質與情緒調適的技巧。


瑜伽 活動 職能治療


Yoga is one of the most popular exercises employed by people for relaxation, pressure reduction and health preservation. However, the application and the effectiveness of it in clinical psychiatry have not been studied or discussed. The aim of this study is to exam the effectiveness of applying yoga exercise to different phases of the psychiatric patients. 15 hospitalized psychiatric patients from a medical center (5 males, 10 females, age average: 35; SD=8.59 years) attend a 60-minute long yoga exercise daily for two weeks. In addition, 19 psychiatric patients from the day-time rehabilitation center (7 males, 12 females, age average: 38; SD=12.01 years) attend a 60-minute long yoga exercise five days a week for four weeks. Every patient attends the focus group discussion and completes the integrated occupational therapy evaluation in his/her first and the last yoga lesson in order to understand the effectiveness of the lesson. The study result indicates that a conspicuous improvement on sleep quality, depression, anxiety, and hopelessness for patients with acute/chronic psychiatric disorder through the customized yoga content and group sharing activity specifically designed by the occupational therapists in reducing problems related to emotional pressure. The result also shows that patients' motivation for participation and their willingness to participate enhance greatly. It is expected that the result can be used as an alternative treatment option for psychiatric occupation therapy. Yoga exercise can not only infuse the patient with his/her life but also serve as a technique for enhancing daily living quality and adjusting emotions.


YOGA Activity Occupational therapy


