  • 期刊


Development and Evaluation of an Assisted Listening Comprehension System for EFL Learners with Visual Impairments


資訊數位化帶來便利與快速,卻因資訊取得方式與溝通管道不同,現今社會依然有部分學習者因獲取資訊管道不同而帶來數位落差(digital divide)的問題,在學習上也有相當大的限制。視覺障礙者因為視覺上的機能損害,失去視覺的學習管道,在求知的過程中比一般生更加困難,對資訊的取得過程中將遭遇許多問題,但因學習機能未全喪失,只需經由適當的輔助,仍可運用其他感官來接受教育。為給予視覺障礙者適當的輔助,因此本研究設計無壓力的教室中英語學習活動,藉由學習者喜好的影音進行英語學習同時達到刺激學習者的學習動機、提升學習效果、及促進主動學習等多重功用,並開發實現此學習活動所需的「視障生英文聽力輔助學習系統」。系統設計過程中考量到視障生使用盲用電腦之情形,在無須其他硬體輔助科技的前提下,運用語音合成技術完成系統。系統易用性評估先以30位一般學習者戴眼罩進行實驗,依據初步回饋調整系統後再以30位視覺障礙者進行學習活動實驗,以了解此系統是否滿足學習過程中的資訊需求,並觀察使用系統時所面臨的困難。實驗結果顯示學習者對於本系統易用性持滿意觀感,且視覺障礙學習者在主觀上對於本系統之滿意度較高。未來將根據自然學習法(natural approach)的五大假設及學習者建議修正系統,並加入語料庫、同義詞集等輔助語言學習功能,營造互動式語言學習之情境,使得學習者學習經歷能加以延伸,更進一步對弱勢的視障族群英語學習有所幫助。


Although the information society brings much convenience, some learners will face the problem of a digital divide. One of the dimensions of the digital divide problem comes from subjects' characteristics of connectivity, for instance the needs of people who are blind or have impaired vision. Learning a foreign language is more difficult for visual impaired learners than other healthy students because of their loss of visual learning channels. However, visually impaired learners can still use other senses and learn well through the appropriate framework. The study designed a learning activity according to learner preferences to stimulate learning motivation and enhance English listing comprehension. A precondition of the system's design is to complete the required functions under the use of speech synthesis technology without additional hardware. The first preliminary usability evaluation was conducted with 30 general learners with eyeshape blinkers. After some minute adjustments, the second usability evaluation was conducted with 30 visually impaired learners. The experimental results show that most learners are satisfied with the system from a usability perspective; moreover, visual impaired learners scored higher than general learners. In the future, corpus, synonym sets, and interactive functions will be added on to the system to extend visual impaired learners' experiences according the five hypothesis of the natural approach.


李淑娥(2005)。視多障兒童的語言特質及訓練。2013 年12 月16 日,取自:http://assist.batol.net/academic/academic-detail.asp?id=45
