  • 學位論文


Implementation and Evaluation of a Student-Centered CALL System for Enhancing English Listening and Speaking

指導教授 : 楊叔卿


在台灣,電腦輔助語言學習是目前十分受歡迎的一種語言學習工具。由於頻繁的考試與排定的課表,僅有少數的課程是針對英文聽說練習所設計的。因此,多數英語為外語的學生必須在課後個別地進行自我練習。但是,除了在自我練習過程中,學生遇到學習問題無法獲得協助,單向的學習互動與固定的電腦輔助語言程式內容亦是學生所面臨的問題。 因此,本研究整合語音機制於一個網路為基礎的電腦輔助語言學習系統成為一個以學生為中心的語音式電腦輔助語言學習系統。系統名稱為「我愛聽說英語 (I Love Listening and Speaking English,I.L.L.S.E.)」。當學習者在學習過程中主動地提出自我學習的需求時,該系統所提供的文字轉語音機制將可做為學生聽力練習的仿效範本,而所提供的自動語音辨識機制將可做為學生口說練習的對話對象。這個系統將協助學習者在學習過程中透過自我建構學習教材與雙向人機互動方式達到英文聽說練習。 在一個學習活動中,本研究採用了質化與量化的方式去分析受測者如何使用本系統去進行英文聽說練習。該學習活動共有35名英語為外語的高職學生參與。根據分析結果,英文程度低的學生相較於英文程度中與高的學生更頻繁地使用本系統。本研究並發現下列學習行為: (1)全體學生都持續且頻繁地進行自我練習。(2)全體學生建構了388個句子,其中有205個句子不包含教授的單字。多數學生最常透過修改已存在的句子來進行造句練習。這些被修改的句子大多是從課文或課外文章複製而來。(3)全體學生輸入524單字,其中有288個單子為不曾出現於線上課程內容中。當遇到沒學過的單字、不同的單字時態、長單字和特定單字時,學生會主動透過本系統去進行自我練習。(4)全體學生進行線上測驗共350次。多數的學生因為參與線上測驗的經驗增加後,能逐漸取得較好的測驗表現。(5)全體學生參與線上討論有15筆,在這些討論中,學生能清楚的表達與分享他們的個人經驗。(6)隨著學習時間增加,全體學生使用本系統更頻繁。 此外,本研究透過均數檢定法了解本系統對學生英文聽說練習有明顯影響的五個系統功能為: (1)清楚地認知英語發音;(2)從線上測驗獲益;(3)對口說練習有助益;(4)對聽力練習有助益;和(5)對英語學習有助益。總結而言,本研究對於整合電腦輔助語言學習與英語學習之主要貢獻包含:(1)強化無縫學習;(2)協助學生的課後自我練習;(3)協助教師了解學生的課後練習狀況;和 (4)實現雙向即時的語言學習互動。


In Taiwan, “Computers-Assisted Language Learning” (CALL) has become a popular method for language learning. Due to the frequent tests and scheduled syllabus, a few courses focus on the listening and speaking skills. Most “English-as-a-Foreign-Language” (EFL) students have to individually practice their listening and speaking skills after schools. However, when having learning problems, EFL students difficultly gained assistance. During the periods of self-practice, one-way learning interaction and the fixed content of a CALL system seem to be two main problems. Therefore, this study integrates speech mechanisms into a web-based CALL system to form a student-centered CALL system, namely “I Love Listening and Speaking English (I.L.L.S.E.).” When EFL students actively perform self-practice, the provided “text-to-speech” (TTS) mechanism is a pattern for the practice of the listening skill and the provided “automatic-speech-recognition” (ASR) mechanism is a partner for the practice of the speaking skill. This system assists EFL students to perform self-practice through the learning materials which are created by them and two-way human-machine interactions. During the period of this study, this study adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyze the participants’ learning statuses. 35 EFL vocational senior high school students participated in the experiment. Based on the research results, the low-level participants other than the medium- and high-level participants used the CALL system more frequently. Moreover, this study found: (1) All of the participants applied the CALL system for self-practice continuously and frequently. (2) The participants created 388 sentences (205 sentences did not contain any taught vocabulary). Most participants commonly revised various sentences that existed in the online course contents and additional learning materials for self-practice. (3) The participants entered 524 words (288 words did not exist in the online course contents). The participants actively performed self-practice when meeting strange words, vocabulary tenses, long-term vocabulary, and specified words. (4) Most participants obtained better performance when they had more and more experiences regarding the online tests. (5) In the online discussions, the participants clearly represented and shared their ideas. (6) Accompanying with the increased learning time, the participants frequently used the system functions. This study also applied the Mean-test method to comprehend the top five system functions where the participating students benefited, including: (1) this system clearly offered pronunciation; (2) the online test was useful; (3) this system was helpful for the practice of speaking skill; (4) this system was helpful for the practice of listening skill; and (5) this system assisted the participating students for learning English. In sum, the main contributions for the integration of a CALL system and English learning, including: (1) enhancing the seamless learning; (2) assisting EFL students to perform self-practice after classes; (3) enabling teachers to understand the students’ learning status; (4) implementing two-way learning interaction in real-time.


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