  • 期刊


The Aesthetic Thinking of "Shu-Shu Fu"




Shu-Shu Fu (also known as "The Calligraphy Narration Rhapsody") and Shu-Shu Fu Yu-Li Zi-Ge (meant as "The Language Convention and Word Format in Calligraphy Narration Rhapsody") were written by Dou Ji and Dou Meng in Tang Dynasty (618A. D.-907A.D.), the literature which related to calligraphy. Most of them in Shu-Shu Fu Yu- Li Zi-Ge are the definition and interpretation of the aesthetic or appraisal vocabulary that mentioned in Shu-Shu Fu, which involved writer's own subjective experience and sensation. This article mainly starts from the scope of aesthetic in the Shu-Shu Fu Yu-Li Zi-Ge, to analyse the content of ninety words and them bring out different understandings in different language contexts. Therefore, the highlight of this study is to analyse the common terms in Shu-Shu Fu, by the two parts of "nature-centered aesthetic thinking" and continue to describe each single concepts.


Shu-Shu Fu Shu-Shu Fu Yu-Li Zi-Ge Dou Ji Dou Meng Natural


(唐)張彥遠:《法書要錄》(北京:人民美術出版社,2003 年)。
(元)趙孟頫:《松雪齋集》(杭州:西泠印社,2010 年)。
(清)孫岳頒編:《佩文齋書畫譜》第 1 冊(杭州:浙江人民美術出版社,2014年)。
(清)郭慶藩:《莊子集釋》(臺北:商周出版公司,2018 年)。
