  • 期刊


The Effect of Pruning Method on Plant Growth, Photosynthesis, and Fruit Quality of Melon (Cucumis melo var inodorous)


本研究比較洋香瓜‘金姑娘’及‘夏鳳’以直立式單、雙幹整枝與匍匐栽培下生育特性之差別。‘金姑娘’以匍匐栽培之葉面積6319 cm^2顯著高於直立式栽培。三種整枝栽培對‘夏鳳’植株生長無顯著影響。‘金姑娘’及‘夏鳳’之單果重皆以匍匐栽培顯著最高,分別為1433.9及1728.6 g;但‘金姑娘’單幹整枝之果實總可溶性固形物達15.7°Brix,顯著高於匍匐式栽培之14.2°Brix。於葉片相互遮蔽情形,‘夏鳳’匍匐栽培之著果上位第10節葉對於著果葉無顯著遮蔽影響;兩品種直立式栽培之著果上位第10節葉片,光合光子流及電子傳遞速率顯著較高,表示遮蔽著果葉片。但‘金姑娘’雙幹整枝於果實生長後期的葉片非光化學淬熄值增加,且果實發育最快。故設施栽培洋香瓜應以‘金姑娘’作直立雙幹整枝法為宜。


This study was to evaluate the effects of three cultivation methods, i.e. vertical one-branch pruning, vertical two-branch pruning and creeping cultivation, on the growth of muskmelon 'Golden Lady' and 'Summer Phoenix'. The results showed that the 'Golden Lady' under creeping cultivation had significantly higher leaf area of 6319 cm^2, than under vertical cultivation. The three cultivation methods made no difference on plant growth in muskmelon 'Summer Phoenix'. Creeping cultivation resulted in the highest fruit weight of 1433.9 g and 1728.6 g in 'Golden Lady' and 'Summer Phoenix', respectively. 'Golden Lady' under vertical one-branch pruning method exhibited the highest total soluble solids of 15.7 °Brix than under creeping cultivation of 14.2 °Brix. In terms of mutual shading, the upper leaves of the fruit in 'Summer Phoenix' had no significant shading effect on the leaves of the fruit under creeping cultivation. While for the 2 cultivars under vertical cultivation, the photosynthetic photon flux and electron transport rate in the leaves of 10 nodes upper than fruit were significantly higher and posed a shading effect on the lower leaves. However, non-photochemical quenching in 'Golden Lady' did not increase during late stage of fruit development under two-branch pruning. The fruit development was also the fastest. 'Golden Lady' grown by vertical two-branch pruning method is suggested for muskmelon cultivation in the greenhouse.
