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The Effect of Plant Spacing on Fruit Quality and Yield of Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) in Open Field


為瞭解不同種植株距對露天栽培西洋南瓜果實品質及產量之影響,本研究利用小果型西洋南瓜‘小黑’、中果型‘栗之藏’及大果型‘黑海’,行距固定為3 m,以株距60、80及100 cm進行栽培試驗。果實品質調查結果顯示,三種南瓜果實之單果重量、果高、果徑、果肉厚度、果實內總可溶性固形物、澱粉、粗蛋白及各植體元素含量,於處理間皆無顯著差異。產量調查結果顯示,‘栗之藏’以株距60 cm處理之單株平均著果數顯著低於其餘兩處理,單株平均產量及總產量皆以株距100 cm處理顯著最高,總產量可達24.1t.ha^(-1)。‘小黑’及‘黑海’單株平均著果數於各處理間無顯著差異,單株平均產量及總產量則皆以100 cm處理顯著最高,‘小黑’總產量達6.7t.ha^(-1),‘黑海’總產量達21t.ha^(-1)。以種植株距100 cm進行栽培,每公頃分別較60 cm及80 cm減少約40%及20%之種苗數量。綜之,不同種植株距對露天栽培西洋南瓜果實品質無顯著影響,然以株距100 cm進行栽培,可降低單位面積所使用之種苗數量,亦可獲得最高之產量。


西洋南瓜 株距 果實品質 產量


In order to understand the effect of plant spacing on the fruit quality and yield of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima), the present study used three pumpkin cultivars of different fruit size as plant materials, small fruit size 'Small black', medium 'Li-zhi zang' and big 'Black sea'. Sixty、80 and 100 cm of plant spacing was conducted to cultivate pumpkin, with the row spacing fixed as 300 cm. The results of the fruit quality survey showed that there was no significant difference in fruit weight, fruit length, fruit width, fruit thickness, total soluble solids, starch, crude protein, and all plant element content within cultivar among all treatments. The average fruit number per plant of 'Li-zhi zang' in the plant spacing treatment of 60 cm was significantly lower than that of the other two treatments. The average yield per plant of 100 cm treatment was significantly the highest, with the total yield of 24.1 tons per hectare. The average fruit number per plant of 'Small black' and 'Black sea' were not significantly different among the treatments. However, the average yield per plant and the total yield were all the highest under the plant spacing 100 cm with the total yield per hectare of 'Small black' 6.7 tons and 'Black sea' 21 tons. Cultivation with plant spacing 100 cm reduced the number of seedlings per hectare by about 40% and 20% compared with 60 cm and 80 cm, respectively. In conclusion, different planting spacing has no effect on the fruit quality of three pumpkins cultivars grown in the open field. However, cultivating with plant spacing 100 cm can reduce the number of seedlings needed per unit area and obtain the highest yield.


Cucurbita maxima plant spacing fruit quality yield
