  • 期刊


Summary of the development of traditional Taiwanese Tuina (rehabilitation and massage)




Traditional restoration and manipulation is part of folk therapy. In Taiwan, the earlier industry that relied on traditional rehabilitation techniques was the Martial arts hall staff and the visually impaired massage operator. The earliest tuina academic group was the Chinese Tuina Society, and the Taichung city Tuinat society was the earliest established urban tuina academic society in Taiwan. With the popularization of universal health insurance and the improvement of the concept of health care, there are more requirements for the professional training of the massage industry and the personal legal protection of customers. At present, the Ministry of Health and Welfare Department divides the massage technology into two parts: TCM traumatological massage and folk conditioning. TCM massage is a doctor's behavior, its strength goes deep into the bones and joints, improper operation, easy to cause skeletal nerve damage; folk conditioning massage is a muscle soft tissue massage, does not involve bones and joints, pay attention to the implementation of skills and standard service content, mostly belong to health care. In the qualification of tuina practitioners, in 2019, it is proposed to announce the qualifications and certification measures for the folk conditioning technicians in the second half of the year. In addition, the National Association of Chinese Physicians has promoted the Law on Assisting Persons with Trauma, and the draft of the TCM Health Care Teacher's Law, which aims at teaching, examination, training and use, has been successfully completed the first reading in the Legislative Yuan, and wrote a new chapter in the history of Taiwanese Chinese medicine legal system, which laid an important foundation for the adoption of the next three readings.


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