  • 期刊


Modern clinical application of Meridian-tendon theory in "Nei Jing"




經筋 病理 治療 火針 針刀


The characteristics of the distribution and operation of the meridian-sinos recorded in the "Nei Jing" (Internal Classics) are as follows: 1. Starting from the fingers and clawsof the limbs, the general direction of the movement is centripetal; 2. It is accompanied by the distribution of meridians of the same name, but does not enter the viscera; 3. "All tendons belong to joints". The function of tendons is to connect the limbs and bones and maintain the whole body. The clinical manifestations of meridian-sinos disease can be summarized as muscle cramps, pain, numbness, tension, arthralgia, stiffness, laxity, joint pain, and difficulty in flexion and extension at the distribution of the meridian-sinos. As early as mentioned in the book "Nei Jing", the argument of "pain caused by obstruction" has already been put forward, that is: "Once a certain meridian has upper excess and lower deficiency, there must be horizontal collateral affected by strong evil Qi andattached on main meridian, making it obstructed." It can be seen that "Horizontal Collaterals affected by strong Qi" is the main cause of failure. Horizontal collaterals are the pathological changes of "tendon-muscle" tissue damage. Modern medicine has known that muscles, ligaments, synovial bursa, fat pads, pulleys and bone fiber tubes are all parts that bear non-physiological damage. Repeated damage and repair of these parts will lead to pathological "horizontal collaterals", that is, adhesions, scars, contractures, and obstructions, resulting in intractable pain. The pain can be treated by releasing the "horizontal collateral compression". In "LingshuJingjin", it is proposed that the treatment of meridian and tendon diseases should be "cured by the burnt needle". "LingshuPricking the True Evil" proposes the method of untangling knots, usingacupotomy to directly loosen the lesion points of the meridian-tendons, remove the organic causes of qi and blood blockage, and make the veins unobstructed. These two methods suggest that the best methods for treating meridian-sinos diseases in modern times are fire needle therapy and acupotomy therapy. In recent years, with the intervention of modern medicine, there have been more discussions and interpretations on the essence of tendons. However, the research on meridian-sinos therapy has not yet reached to the stage of evidence-based medicine, and there is still a lack of unified and objective evaluation indicators, and the comparability of curative effects is insufficient. Therefore, there is still space for extensive research on the understanding of the essence and theory of meridian-sinos therapy.


meridian-sino pathology treatment fire needle acupotomy


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魏晉 ‧ 皇甫謐 : 針灸甲乙經 , 大展出版社 , 臺北 , 2019
