  • 期刊


Patient Autonomy between Ideal and Reality ─ Experience from Germany




For many people, it seems to be essential for a successful and valuable life to be able to arrange and realize one's own life destiny. According to the understandings of the German law, each patient with the authorization ability is entitled to refuse any medical treatment, even when this medical treatment is vital. The understanding of autonomy forces each patient to take his own needs and individual information interests seriously. This requires changes to the current paradigm, namely from an "objective" to an "intersubjective concept of truth". Due to this reason, we have to admit "the right not to know", which has been recognized by the Convention on Biomedicine in Germany. Although "advance healthcare directive" has been anchored in the German law, the problem of interpretation still exists. Additionally, in view of the long period of time after the decision-making time, the decision-maker usually does not explain whether his current will still conforms to the original decision, which also could possibly be withdrawn. Therefore, we must seriously consider the question: whether the patient autonomy will become an "autonomy placebo"? Whether "the right to (assisted) suicide" can be generated from the right to self-determination with the result of natural death is a new and disputable topic in Germany. The assistance to suicide was not punishable by the previous German Criminal Law. However, in order to prevent the influences of the organizations for assisted suicide such as "Dignitas", a new crime "businesslike assistance in suicide" was introduced by the lawmakers of Germany at the end of 2015. However, this provision is questioned whether it is in conformity with the constitution in terms of the right to self-determination.


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