  • 期刊


The Study on the Nature of New Drugs Clinical Trial Contract-Mandate or the Hire of Work




In accordance with the principles of party autonomy and freedom of contract, the parties may characterize the clinical trial contract for new drug as a contract of mandate or a contract to produce a work. The parties agree on the clinical trial contract for new drug as contract of mandate, and the judge shall not interpret it as a contract to produce a work and vice versa. The Supreme Court's Civil Judgment No. 2440 (2018) clearly ignored the parties' express intention of Mandate and interpreted this parties 'intention as a contract to produce a work. This contract interpretation does not respect the intention of the parties and it is quite questionable. What's more, the clinical trial contract for new drug is based on the clinical trial of a medical nature. The contract interpretation of the Supreme Court in this judgment also obviously ignores the medical content of the clinical trial contract for new drug. If the parties have not defined the nature of the new drug clinical trial contract, the judge should explain the nature of the contract in accordance with the principles of good faith and trading habits. If the clinical trial contract for new drug is not a nominate contract such as contract to produce a work, hiring, or other parties' affairs, according to Article 529 of the Taiwan Civil Code, the contract should be a contract of mandate, and the provisions of the contract of Mandate shall apply. In the case of a contract based on the handling of other people's affairs, the performance of insufficient quantities not only constitutes defects in things, but also constitutes defects in performance. In the clinical trial contract for new drug, the insufficient number of subjects included and the failure of nearly 40% of the patients to return to the clinic within the agreed time both constitute defects in performance, and depending on the facts of the case, it may be also defects in performance that cannot be corrected.


吳從周(2018)。〈法律行為解釋、契約解釋與法律解釋—以民法第98 條立法溯源與實務運用為中心〉,《中研院法學期刊》,23期,頁 81-169。
林誠二(2010)。〈人體試驗與雙效理論之探討〉,《法令月刊》,61卷 10 期,頁 75-91。
