  • 期刊


Analysis and Commentary of the art of Rhetoric "Poetry of Chanting the Things" by Ouyang Xiu


「詠物」一體,見於〈三百篇〉時代,到了漢魏六朝,由於國勢的關係,「詠物」題材更是廣泛,更多的即物描繪、更多的「詠物」寄意,以力求巧似唯美、雕啄刻劃之能事,內容愈發成熟。再配合其他文學藝術,遂為唐宋的「詠物」詞的內容、境界的拓展,奠定深厚的基礎。到了唐末五代兩來,且更臻於極境。 宋人賞花、寫花的風氣習俗,在歐陽修前後時期真是大放異彩、美不勝收。有詠節目的花朝節詞、重陽節詞,有詠花會、買花、插花詞,甚至有花卉專著譜錄。書中將物之性質、用途詳加探討考究。本篇論文以十六首詞為主題(十一首純詠花,另五首其他詠物),析論研究。


歐陽修詞 詠物詞 六一詞


The literary style-Chanting the things has been posted during the time of ”the Book of Odes”. Then due to the development of national power, themes of chanting things became more widespread. We can see more and more descriptions about things, and more implications. To seek diligently, resemble beauty of skills, carves the portray to the acme of perfection, even make the accomplishment. And cooperate with other literary arts, finally formated the poetry of the Tang and Song Dynasty. the situation laid the deep foundation. It reached its best boundary till the end of Tang Dynasty through the Song Dynasty. People of the Song Dynasty, appreciated and described and beauty of the flowers. Ouyang Xiu was born in such period of thriving. There were poetries to praise holidays or double ninth festival. There were flower-chanting clubs, and even books to portray flowers genealogically. He discussed the nature and usage of things in detail. This paper is based on sixteen poetries (elevenpoetries about chanting flowers, and the other five poetries about chanting things) to analysis and commentary research.
