  • 期刊


Starting From Trinitarian Dao: An Exemplification of Systemic- Hermeneutical Intercultural Dialog between Sino-Philosophy and Christian Theology




易經 三才一道 三位一體 體系性 詮釋學


T his essay chooses the idea of Trinitarian Dao (or the Unity of Three Dimensions in one Way, Three Talents and One Way) in the I Ching (Yìjīng, Classics of Changes) often regarded as the universal canon in Chinese spiritual culture on the one hand set alongside the doctrine of the Trinity as the fundamental spirit of Christian theology on the other hand, with the idea of trying to create a preliminary conceptualization of intercultural dialogue for a preliminary intercultural dialogue. Regarding the methodological and ontological dimensions, this dialogue will proceed in the way of thinking by means of the so-called systemic hermeneutics. Thereafter, from the point of view of its three trialectical models of ground-structure theory, the intercultural impact of both paradigms will be exposed. Finally in the trialectic of cultural transformation, cultural contextualization and cultural fusion or cultural creation, the mutual exchange, amalgamation and innovation shall be envisaged.


I Ching Trinitarian Dao Trinity systemics hermeneutics


[漢]董仲舒 Dong Zhong Shu。《春秋繁露》The Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals。《摛藻堂四庫全書薈要》Chi Zao Tang Si Ku Quan Shu Hui Yao Ben本。
[東漢]班固 Ban Gu。《漢書》Han Shu。《武英殿二十四史》Wu Ying Dian Er Shi Si Shi Ben 本。
[晉]王弼 Wang Bi 注。《道德經》Dao De Jing。《四部備要》Si Bu Bei Yao本。
[唐]楊倞Yang Jing注。《荀子》Xun Zi。《四部叢刊初編》Si Bu Cong Kan Chu Bian本。
[宋]李覯Li Gou。《删定易圖序˙論一》Shan Ding Yi Tu Xu, Lun Yi。《直講李先生文集》本Zhi Jiang Li Xian Sheng Wen Ji Ben。
