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The Symbolic Construction of "Christian Sun Yat-sen" and the Christian Identity Narrative in Republican China




Sun Yat-sen, an active christian in the 19th century, was established as a pious and great christian image in the 20th century, especially after his death. This was the result of the discourse construction of Chinese christians, especially liberal christians. Sun Yat-sen presented an image as a great christian revolution and national leader, who followed the teachings of faith and led the chinese to get rid of alien and autocratic rule and move towards a free and equal new China. However, such images were not a simple representation of the christian Sun Yatsen. When Kuomintang used Sun Yat-sen to establish party authority, chinese christians also made full use of this public resource to build Sun Yat-sen's religious image: chinese Moses or chinese Jesus. Their purposes were to effect a reconciliation with nationalism and revolutionary ideology through a creative interpretation, and to achieve their own multiple political and religious goals, and finally as a way to reconstruct religious self-identity, political identity and national identity.


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