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An interdisciplinary Team Approach to Investigate and Decrease Rejection Rate of Specimens in the Emergency Rooms




Laboratory reports constitute a reliable foundation for medical diagnosis, screenings of diseases, and monitoring of treatment on which the quality of specimen and the safety of patients depend. Specimen data analyzed from January to June 2015 in an emergency room setting has revealed a rejection rate of 1.2%. This high rejection was investigated and influencing factors were concluded as: a lack of educational training on specimen collection and signification, nurses failed of to identify and verify labels pre- and post-collection of the specimens, and improper equipment of specimen transportation. An interdisciplinary team approach was in place for rejection improvement; with collaborations among information technologists and laboratory specialists, strategies were made to: arrange staff educational training, establish standard procedure and regulation for specimen collection and system auditing, set sequence chats from blood drawing to specimen insertion, increase the number of containers and equipment for specimen transportation, build a computer-assisted information system and so on. After project implementation for six months, the rejection rate of ER specimens has decreased to 0.48%. In addition, the correctness of diagnosis and treatment has improved, as well as the quality of care, achieving the predetermined project goal.


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