  • 期刊


Negotiations on the Khobdo Contract between China and Russia (1867-1883)-A Case Study of Border Maps in the National Palace Museum


十九世紀初期,俄國勢力進入哈薩克地區,向大清國所屬巴爾喀什湖(Lake Balkash)以東以南地區擴張,隨後將該地區擅自劃入該國版圖,並將其勢力向特穆爾圖淖爾(Temurtu-nor即現在的伊塞克湖Lake Issyk-Kul)一帶推進。中俄〈北京條約〉簽訂後,俄國想透過談判簽約的方式,將該國所占領土地的事實,要求清廷承認。同治3年(1864),中俄簽訂〈中俄勘定西北界約記〉(Protocol of Chuguchak 即〈塔城界約〉)後,俄國再乘新疆回民動亂,派兵進占伊犁,清廷派崇厚前往俄國交涉,崇厚(1826-1893)擅自與俄國簽訂交〈收伊犁條約〉(Treaty of Livadia),清廷認為崇厚所簽條約內容喪權辱國,拒絕簽字,並欲將崇厚治罪,使得中俄兩國關係更加緊張。當時駐俄大臣曾紀澤(1839-1890)銜命與俄國政府交涉,雙方簽訂〈中俄改訂條約〉(Treaty of St. Petersburg),俄國終將伊犁歸還,並約定勘分西北邊界。本文擬以外交部寄存於臺北國立故宮博物院之有關劃分科布多疆界輿圖、條約及相關檔案史料,針對同、光年間,中國科布多邊界的變動情形作一簡單的介紹。


During the beginning of the 19th century, Russia extended its influence into the Kazakh region, and expanded its territory to the east and south areas of Lake Issyk-Kul, which had belonged to the Ch'ing empire; subsequently, it unilaterally incorporated this area into its own domain. After the Convention of Peking between the Ch'ing dynasty and Russia was signed, Russia attempted to force China to accept its occupation by recognizing its legitimacy. Moreover, after the Protocol of Chuguchak was signed in 1864, Russia took advantage of turmoil in Xinjiang to occupy Ili, with Chonghou being sent by the Ch'ing government to negotiate with the Russians. Chonghou signed the Treaty of Livadia without having been granted prior authorization. Because the Ch'ing government deemed that the treaty dishonored the nation and forfeited its sovereignty, it refused to ratify the treaty and attempted to punish Chonghou for dereliction of duty, which made the relationship between Russia and China became even tenser. The ambassador to Russia, Ts'eng Chi-tse, carried an official order to negotiate with Russian government at that time, and as a result the Treaty of St. Petersburg was signed by both sides. Russia finally returned Ili to China, with both sides agreeing to survey and delimit the boundaries of northwest. This paper intends to introduce the ministers who were responsible for negotiating with Russian officials on delimiting Khobdo's boundaries during the reigns of the T'ung-chih and Kuang-hsu emperors. It also examines how negotiations were undertaken by using maps demarcating Khobdo's frontier, as well as the archival documents (such as master copies of relevant treaties) that have been preserved in the National Palace Museum for safekeeping by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the R.O.C.
