  • 期刊
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The Development of Automated Piloted Simulator of One-on-One Air Combat with Fighters Equipped with Air-to-Air Missile-Scoring Functions and Optimal Strategy




In this paper, we will explain the theory of the optimal one-to-one air combat tactics and establish the simulation environment, which can analysis and supply the air combat fighters equipped with air-to-air missile. The governing equations of motion and the seven combat strategies of a fighter are introduced. The optimal strategy is determined in accordingly with the theory of zero-sum two-player games. The key characteristic is the suitable scoring functions and the resultant scoring function. The resultant scoring function is used to provide a combined scores and the scoring functions include an orientation score, a relative range score, etc., which can reflect the real situation of air-to-air combat. We divide simulating process into two parts. Before launching missile, the optimal pursuit/evasion tactics to the one-to-one air combat are researched. After launching missile, it will be a complex situation because of the fighters and missiles in pursuit/evasion of each other. Numerical simulation is carried out and the results show that the fighter equipped with an air-to-air missile occupies a more dominant position than the one equipped with a gun.
