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行動支付於創新決策過程之資訊需求與尋求行為:以LINE Pay使用者為例

Information Needs and Information-Seeking Behavior Regarding Mobile Payments in the Innovation-Decision Process: The Case of LINE Pay Users


本研究目的是探討LINE Pay使用者於選用行動支付機制的原因;創新決策過程之認知、說服、決策、執行、確認階段中,LINE Pay使用者所產生的資訊需求與資訊尋求行為;以及持續使用LINE Pay的因素。研究方法採用半結構式訪談法蒐集資料,訪談對象來自12位已使用LINE Pay的行動支付使用者。研究結果呈現使用者採用LINE Pay的原因為:交易便利、衛生考量、LINE Point點數與回饋機制、結合生活常用通訊軟體LINE、使用通路充足、支付介面綁定雲端發票條碼;LINE Pay使用者的六項資訊需求與五項資訊尋求管道。持續使用LINE Pay的因素如下:資訊安全的保護、通路的多寡、優惠與回饋的額度、LINE Pay系統的設計、身邊使用人數的增減。


The purpose of this study is to explore the reasons why LINE Pay users adopt this innovation, the information needs and information-seeking behavior in the innovation-decision process which includes the knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation stages, and the factors that influence mobile payment users to continue to use LINE Pay. This study applied qualitative research method and researchers conducted semi-structured interview to collect data. A total of 12 interviews were conducted with LINE Pay users. This study's results indicate that the reasons why LINE Pay was adopted are as follows: It allows users make payments more conveniently, maintain personal hygiene, receive LINE points and bonuses, integrate with the most commonly used communication software, use a variety of channels and bundle with cloud invoice codes via the interface. Secondly, the information needs of LINE Pay users are as follows: information about channels and shops, interface use and functions, the participating shops and suppliers and their related regulations, discount and rebate rules, differences between other transaction methods, and information security. Furthermore, information-seeking channels are the following: online resources, official channels, interpersonal channels, shops, and mass media. Finally, factors affecting continuous use of LINE Pay include information security, number of channels, amount of discounts and rebates, the interface of the LINE Pay system, and the number of users among friends and relatives.


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