  • 期刊


A Revision of the Multiple Perfectionism Scale for Sport into Chinese Version and Testing the Difference between Gender and Competitive Level


完美主義一直是臨床心理學以及競技運動心理學上重要的研究議題,而在運動情境中始終缺乏一份專用的完美主義量表來進行相關研究。故本研究目的在以探索性以及驗證性因素分析確認中文版多層面運動專用完美主義量表(multiple perfectionism scale for sport, MPSS; Anshel&Eom, 2003)之建構效度。階段一為研究者翻譯本量表為中文字辭之後建立中文化的問卷項目,並以50名大專甲組運動員預試得到內部一致性係數為0.87。階段二為測試量表,對象為316名大專甲組運動員,以探索性因素分析、項目分析以及內部一致性檢定MPSS。經由探索性因素分析,MPSS萃取出「在乎失誤」、「個人標準」、「父母期望」以及「教練責難」四個因素,可解釋的總變異量為57.67%。在信度方面MPSS總量表及各分量表之Cronbach's α介於.54到.75之間,顯示此量表具有可接受的內部一致性。階段三再以驗證性因素分析確認MPSS建構效度,受試者為大專甲乙組運動員共449名,結果顯示驗證性因素分析之各項指標的適配性,大都符合統計要求,表示中文版MPSS具有良好的建構效度。此外,研究者進一步分析了性別以及競技水準在正常以及神經質完美主義上的差異情形,結果發現在正常完美主義上性別存有差異,另外就神經質完美主義而言,則在競技水準上存有差異。最後,研究者建議日後應可利用此一量表作為基礎性的研究工具來進行其他與完美主義相關的研究。


Perfectionism had been am important research topic for clinical and sport psychology. However, researcher lacked of sport-specific perfectionism scale to examine what perfectionism might contribute to. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to translate and revise the Anshel and Eom's (2003) multiple perfectionism scale for sport (MPSS). In first stage, the authors translated the MPSS into Chinese and sampled 50 intercollegiate athletes to examine its internal consistency of the draft and found Cronbach's α to be .87. In second stage, this study sampled 3 I6 intercollegiate athletes and administered MPSS. Exploratory factor analysis and item analysis extracted 13 items from the scale and found four factors named "concern over mistakes," "personal standards," "parental expectations," and "coach criticism" of the MPSS, and the accounted variance for the scale was 57.67%. In addition, it was found Cronbach's a range from .54 to .75. Finally, we sampled 449 intercollegiate athletes with mean age of 20.22 (SO = 2.25). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to establish the construct validity of MPSS. Results showed that indexes of confirmatory factor analysis fitted the hypothetical model of the MPSS. Besides, we examined the differences between gender and athletic level. No interaction effects existed on gender and athletic, but we found male had higher normal perfectionism than female and athletes of division r had higher neurotic perfectionism than division II. The authors suggested that future research could explore the other arena which connected with athletic perfectionism by using MPSS.


