  • 期刊


The Effects of Training Manual on Elementary School Swimming Club Children's Physical Fitness


本研究針對國小游泳社團學童進行半年的社團活動,觀察其體適能的增進程度。在學期初進行體適能測驗,經過半年的持續運動之後,再進行第二次的體適能測驗,比較兩次測驗結果。研究目的如下:一、瞭解學生坐姿體前彎、仰臥起坐、800 公尺跑走、立定跳遠等四項測驗之前、後測的原始分數與百分等級。二、了解學生參與次數的多寡與體適能進步的關係。三、了解學生參與次數的多寡與其後測運動能力的關係。資料以成對樣本t 檢定、Pearson 相關進行分析。結果發現:本社團之學童經過半年的社團活動,其坐姿體前彎、仰臥起坐、800 公尺跑走和立定跳遠四項的測驗都有進步。坐姿體前彎的前、後測結果並沒有顯著差異;60 秒仰臥起坐、800 公尺跑走與立定跳遠的前、後測結果有顯著差異。參與次數與進步空間並沒有相關。參與次數與運動能力在坐姿體前彎的部份沒有相關,但在仰臥起坐、800 公尺跑走和立定跳遠有中、高度相關。參與次數與游泳秒數為中度負相關。游泳秒數與60 秒仰臥起坐的能力為中度負相關。為使學童可以有更健康的身體,建議飲食控制與運動雙管齊下,未來在訓練課程安排上,除了重視心肺耐力、肌力、肌耐力的養成外,可再強調下背部柔軟度的培養。


This study focuses on elementary school swimming club students to observe their physical fitness developments for six months. In this study, there was one physical fitness check in the beginning of the semester and the second physical fitness check was performed after six months of training, and comparison the differences of two physical fitness check. Research purposes described as following: 1. To understand the students' raw scores and percentile rankings of sit-bend, 60 seconds sit-ups, 800-meter run-away, standing-long-jump pre-test and post-test. 2. To understand the relationship between the frequencies of students' participation of physical fitness and the progress. 3. To understand the relationship of the frequencies of students' participation and performances in post-test. After six months of group activities, subjects' performance in sit-bend, 60 seconds sit-ups, 800-meter run-away and standing-long-jump improved. Data was analyzed by paired sample t test and Pearson correlation. There was no significant difference between the pre- and post-tests of sit-bend. There were significant differences between the pre- and post-tests of 60 seconds sit-ups, 800-meter run-away and standing-long-jump. There was no correlation between subjects' participation times and improvements. There was no correlation between subjects' participation times and performances in sit-bend, however, there were medium and high correlations in 60 seconds sit-ups, 800-meter run-away and standing-long-jump. There was a moderate negative correlation of subjects' participation and swimming time. The subjects' swimming time and performance on 60 second sit-ups was moderate negative correlation. We suggest that diet control and exercise are both important for better health. Back softness training need to be emphasized.




