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The Instructional Design and Evaluation of a General Education Program-the Case of Interpersonal Communication




人際溝通 通識課程


This study aims at constructing a model of instruction and assessment for a general education program. The interpersonal communication class was chosen to be investigated. The participants were 28 students of a medical university in southern Taiwan. Data were collected from questionnaires and students' reports. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to analyze the data. The results showed that (1) The most favored theme of interpersonal communication curriculum were: conflict management, emotional management, chat skills and speech ability. (2) As to communication style preferences, most students prefer face- to- face communication. (3) The scores of the students' self-evaluation on achievement of learning objectives were 4.16~4.32 on five-point scale. (4)The most satisfied learning activities were: group discussion, team report, and drama performance. It is hoped that the conclusions of this study can serve as a useful reference for instructors of interpersonal communication courses for research or teaching purposes.
