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A Closer Look at Language Learning Motivational Strategies (LLMS): Learners' Preference and the Role of Gender



The repeated discussion of motivation and language learning motivational strategies (LLMS) has proven that these LLMS are possible factors swaying learners' second/foreign language (L2) study and acquisition. Despite the comprehensive investigation, many of the focuses were teachers for their preference on LLMS (Cheng & Dörnyei, 2007; Csizér & Dörnyei, 1998; Dörnyei & Guilloteaux, 2008). Considering the insufficiency of learner-related studies and the notable influence of gender on various aspects pertaining to students' learning, it is therefore worthy of the learner-based inspection, especially of LLMS. The aim of the study was to investigate learners' preference for the 50 LLMS proposed by Dörnyei (2001), such as, prepare for the lessons properly, show a good example by being committed and motivated and create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom, and the possible influence of gender on their preference. Two hundred and ninety-seven Taiwanese undergraduate and graduate students studying various compulsory English-related courses to fulfill the requirement for graduation were surveyed. The results suggested that students inclined positively toward strategies related to learning tasks, variation in materials and activites for the promotion of learning interest, proper teacher behavior, and the creation of delightful atmosphere. When compared to males, females were significantly in favor of strategies relevant to variation, effort, goal, and group work in the classrooms.


學習動機和語言學習動機策略的反復討論證明它們是影響語言學習者的第二/外國語言學習及習得的可能因素。儘管已存在之廣泛調查,研究對象卻多是教師及他們對語言學習動機的偏好(Cheng & Dörnyei, 2007; Csizér & Dörnyei, 1998; Dörnyei and Guilloteaux, 2008)。考慮到與學習者相關之研究的不足以及性別對學生學習的各方面之顯著影響,以學習者為基礎的調查確實有其必要,尤其是針對語言學習動機策略的探討。本研究的目的為調查學習者對Dörnyei(2001)所提出之五十項語言學習動機策略(例如,適當地準備上課的內容、藉由信守承諾及展現出很高的教學動機來樹立一個好的模範及創造一個愉悅的課堂氣氛…等等)的偏好以及性別對其偏好之可能影響。兩百七十七位台灣學習各種必修英語相關課程以達到畢業門檻的大學及研究生為其主要研究對象。研究結果顯示,學生對於與學習任務、變化教材及活動以促進學習興趣,適當的教師行為及創造愉悅的學習氛圍等相關的語言學習動機策略保持著肯定的態度。而相較於男生,女生對於與多樣化、努力、目標及小組活動相關之語言學習動機策略有更顯著的偏好。
