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Applying Tai Chi Quan Protocols to Improving Lower Limb Functions in a Mildly Frail Elder


本文為運用太極拳運動改善一位輕度衰弱老人下肢功能之護理經驗,照護期間為2010年5月17日至5月21日,5月28日電訪,5月29日及6月10日家訪追蹤,於住院期間筆者運用觀察、會談並採用衰弱量表(Edmonton Frail Scale)及護理七大層面等評估技巧,發現個案住院期間有輕度衰弱且下肢功能差,故提供個案「太極拳運動」方案。經過太極拳短期訓練後發現,個案下肢功能各評估項目均呈現逐漸改善的情形:6月10日最後一次測量結果與5月17日前測相比,一般步行速度改善18秒,快速步行速度改善16秒,一般活動能力改善14秒,下肢功能性肌力改善11秒,下肢平衡功能改善8秒。運動後血壓有下降情形。此外,個案每天的運動持續時間明顯增加,走路步態變平穩,食慾、睡眠、精神明顯改善,心情愉快。因此,太極拳運動對輕度衰弱老人的下肢功能改善是有幫助的。期望分享此個案之護理經驗給醫護人員,並能將此措施應用於臨床,提高病患下肢活動平衡力量,來改善老人衰弱狀態預防跌倒,促進身體功能的回復,提升生活品質。但因本報告只用於單一個案,故建議未來運用此方案來長期追蹤大量輕度衰弱老人進行研究,以瞭解太極拳方案對其下肢功能改善之成效情形。


This research study addresses the application of Tai Chi Quan exercises from May 17 to June 10, 2010 (as well as phone interviews on May 28 and home visits on May 29 and June 10), with a mildly frail elderly patient, with the purpose of improving his lower limb functions. In order to collect information relating to the mildly frail conditions of the patient, we used observation, interviews, and the Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS) combined with seven dimensions of nursing assessment. The Tai Chi Quan exercise was applied to the mildly frail elderly patient with poor lower limb functions, and the lower limb functions improved tremendously, including reduction of walking speed for 18 sec., fast walking speed for 16 sec., general ability activities for 14 sec., lower extremity functional strength for 11 sec., and the balancing of lower limbs for 8 sec. Blood pressure was reduced after the exercise. In addition, increased exercise duration promoted stability in terms of walking pace, appetite, sleep, and emotion. Therefore, Tai Chi Quan exercise is shown to be a beneficial exercise for health care providers to apply in order to improve lower limb functions, to prevent falls, to restore health, and to increase the quality of life for mildly frail elderly patients. Since this intervention was only applied to one patient, a longitudinal study with a large sample size is necessary so to further examine the effects of Tai Chi Quan exercises on the lower limb functions of mildly frail elders.


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