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Elderly Cross-Industry Human Resource and Career Development Initiative




The purpose of this article is to advocate the importance of elderly cross-industry talent cultivation, and to plan the blueprint for career development from the junior, mid-level to the top executive to meet their demands. This article begins with the trend of international medical-social care integration, and then quotes the "Global Strategy on integrated people-centerd Health Service" and the "Global Strategy and Action Plan for Aging and Health" proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO), emphasizing the necessity of medical-social care and industrial human resource development. In response to the needs of aging society, Taiwan has proposed the "Aging Service System and Service Plan" to meet the requirements of senior citizens from three systems and their service programs. It is also imperative to cultivate medical practitioners, long-term care professionals and senior industry talents from the juniors. The elderly cross-industry talents are expected to satisfy all the requirements based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Finally, the article puts forward the idea of elderly cross-industry talents cultivation. Hopefully, Taiwan can construct a career development framework from juniors to seniors, and can connect with the capability, position and salary to attract outstanding talents working in elderly industry.


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