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The Relationships between Variables of Collegiate Soft Tennis Players Training Environment and Differences in Competition Levels and Sports Experience


軟網運動在大專院校雖然有輝煌的一頁,但近年來日漸沒落式微,莫不讓有志者愛心忡忡。然軟網運動在大專院校的推廣瓶頸何在?訓練環境的困擾原因何在?若能明確地追尋問題徵結所在,以供研提對策的參考是本文最重要的研究動機。 本研究的主要目的有二: (一)探討大專軟網球員不同參賽組別在訓練環境中三項困擾因素「教練指導與球員本身技術」、「親友與課業壓力」、「行政支援與場地配合度」有無差異。 (二)探討大專軟網球員不同運動經壓在訓練環境中三項困擾因素「教練指導與球員本身技術」、「親友與課業壓力」、「行政支援與場地配合度」者無差異。 本研究以民國85年參加第廿九屆全國大專盃軟式鋼球錦標賽之球員98名爲受試對象。於比賽期間進行問卷調查,研究結果發現: (一)大男甲組軟網球員對於訓練環境中所遭遇的親友反課業壓力明顯地高於大女甲組、大男乙組及大女乙組的球員。 (二)大男乙組軟網球員對於訓練環境中行政支援及場地明顯不足的感受,顯著高於大女甲組球員。 (三)加入學校代表隊第四年的軟網球員對於訓練環境中行政支援及場地明顯不足的感受,顯著高於已加入五平的球員。


Soft tennis was once very popular in colleges here, but it has gradually become in disfavor in recent year. Soft tennis enthusiasts are worried about this. What is the bottleneck in collegiate soft tennis development? What are some of the causes for the deficiency, inconvenience, pressure, or disturbance of the players’ training environment? If we could trace the ultimate source of the problem, we might contrive some way of dealing with the difficult situation and hopefully come up with some useful findings and/or recommendations. There are two major purposes in this study: (A) to find out relationships between collegiate soft tennis players participating in competitions of different levels (namely, A-class and B-class players) and three of the training environment variables: (1) the coach's instruction and the players' own skills, (2) pressure from relatives, friends, and school, and (3) administrative support and the availability of soft tennis courts, and (B) to find out relationships between collegiate soft tennis players with various sports experiences and the three above-mentioned variables. The subjects in this study were 98 collegiate tennis players who participated in the 29th Intercollegiate Soft Tennis Tournament in 1996. The, subjects were asked to fill in a questionnaire during the competition. The following are some of the findings: 1. The Pressure from relatives, friends, and school confronted by A- class male soft tennis players in their training was significantly greater than that of A-class female and B-class male and female players. 2. B-class male soft tennis players felt short of administrative support and the availability of soft tennis courts in their training much more keenly than A-class female players. 3. Those soft tennis players who had joined their school teams for four years were far less satisfied with administrative support and the availability of soft tennis courts during their training than the 5th-year players.
