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Effects of Multi-Component Exercise Programon on Physical Fitness Promotion in Older Adults


高齡化已是一種全球化的現象,臺灣於2018年成為高齡社會,推估將於2026年邁入超高齡社會,近年高齡長照問題是國家施政重要方針,藉由積極促進身體活動與延緩身體機能退化的政策,也開始受到重視。本研究配合淡江大學執行教育部高等教育深耕計畫,善盡大學社會責任,以「樂活健康、銀髮長照」為主軸,開設「樂齡動起來」運動課程,提供里民自由報名,藉由8週多元運動課程,每周1次,每次90分鐘,每次課程由專業授課教師及兩位具有高齡運動指導員資格之助教協同教學,來達到全身性身體活動,於課程前、後實施功能性體適能檢測。研究分析取65歲以上並參與前、後測者共43人,利用SPSS 22.0進行資料統計處理,以相依樣本t考驗及魏可遜配對組符號等級考驗進行前後測資料分析。以卡方考驗-費雪爾正確率檢定探討男性及女性在功能性體適能檢測項目有進步的百分比是否有所差異。研究發現:一、透過多元運動課程的介入在肌力增進、心肺適能與平衡的部份有顯著進步,但柔軟度則未達顯著進步效果。二、女性長者獲得的整體進步效益高於男性長者。


Aging has become one of the most significant social transformations around the world. Taiwan has entered this "aging society" since 2018. The experts predicted that Taiwan will eventually enter "ultra-elderly society" in 2026. Due to the increase in the number of the elderly population, the government has developed a national policy regarding long-term care. Additionally, the government promotes physical activity and encourages participation in order to decrease in degeneration of physical condition and increase in physical status. The Ministry of Education and Tamkang University collaborated to conduct a Higher Education Sprout Project, which consisted of a free exercise program for elder population. The 43 participants, who were aged over 65, were recruited in the study. The individuals joined a 90-min class once a week for 8 weeks in length. The exercise instructions and safe exercise were provided by a professional teacher and two teaching assistants from Tamkang University. The functional tests were conducted before and after the program. Once the data collection was completed, the dependent sample t-test and the Weikson test and the Chi- Square test were performed by SPSS 22.0 software. Results: The participants demonstrated significant improvement in biceps curl test, 2-min step test, Seated up- and go- test, and open-eye single leg stand but not in flexibility. The benefits of multi-component exercise program on include improvement of muscle strength, cardiorespiratory conditions, and balance. The comparisons of pre-and post-test and gender differences were made.


senior functional fitness physical activity


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