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The Caring and Teaching Reflection of Taiwan-based Topics in General Education: Observation Based on Language and Culture Courses


筆者以一系列臺灣主題之通識教育課程,積極規劃、設計兼具學術專業與生活內涵之教學內容,並申請教育部優質通識課程計畫獎助,透過課程教學與計畫執行,將專業知識生活化、趣昧化、實用化,以貼近年輕人的心聲,用深入淺出的方式,帶領學生認識生活中的臺灣文化。此系列臺灣主題之通識教育課程包含兩大層面:一為語言教學課程,科目為「生活臺語」主要讓來自不同專業領域的學生,透過日常生活中對臺語的觀察與紀錄,了解先民傳承下來的生活智慧,藉此豐富生命內涵,並進一步能與同一個語言社群(speech community)裏的人做有效的溝通。二為文化教學課程,科目為「臺灣地方戲曲欣賞」、「臺灣歌仔戲之認識與欣賞」、「臺灣傳統戲曲與現代社會」等三門。其體創新的教學方法與內容,可分為三點敘述:在教材設計上,強調「使用生活化教材,從生活中發現臺灣」在課程規劃上,強調學生從做中學,並能主動發現問題、積極參與討論;在教學活動的設計上,善用在地資源,實地訪查臺灣文化脈動。整體而言,希望透過教師基本講解、邀請專業表演人士現場演講示範、校外教學實地參訪與民眾進行交流、每週設計課程活動等活潑有趣的方式,啟發e世代學生對臺灣傳統文化的在地關懷,為臺灣傳統文化的薪傳與發揚貢獻一份心力。


The authors have actively planned and designed a series of Taiwan-related topics in general education, and the content possesses both academic and teaching values. By means of teaching, specialized knowledge is expected to be more lifelike, interesting, and practical, so the knowledge can fulfill the needs of the younger generation. This series contains two levels of general education courses: one for language teaching, which is entitled "Daily Taiwanese." The goal of the course is to allow students to understand the inherited wisdom from the language and to communicate effectively in the speech community. The other one is for cultural teaching, which includes the following courses: "Taiwan Local Drama Appreciation", "lntroduction and Appreciation to Taiwanese Opera", and "Traditional Taiwanese Opera and Modern Society". Specific innovative teaching methods can be described as the three aspects: first, the teaching materials emphasize the significance of daily lives. Second, students are required to perform "learning by doing" policy. Third, in the design of curriculum activities, local resources and field work are employed. Overall, the teachers hope that they can inspire students to care and know more of traditional Taiwanese cultures by their lecturing, inviting professional performers, and asking students to involve with the residents outside the field.
