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History Class and Flipped Classroom: At Wenzao Ursuline University of Languagesin History Class


臺灣傳統教學方式是由教師在課堂上傳授知識,學生上課吸收傳授的內容,透過紙筆測驗的方式,對學生學習成效進行評估。此種的授課方式,缺點在於教師花費許多時間傳授知識,而學生所能得到者,多為相關學科知識,對於培養倫理、民主、科學、美學、媒體等公民素養的能力成效有限。有鑑於此, 翻轉課程即是針對傳統教學「述而不論」、理論與實際經驗無法結合的問題進行改革,此課程是近年來國外發展出來的一種課程教學模式,運作模式著重在課堂上師生之間的互動,即透過課堂的討論,培養學生獨立思考與辯論能力。「翻轉教學」在臺灣現今高等教育環境中是否合適推廣? 是否適合每一門通識教育課程採用?或許在教學者的授課模式與學習者的態度改變前,仍有許多困難需要解決,也有待許多研究來加以論證。本研究即以筆者在文藻外語大學開設的「歷史文化與生活」課程為觀察對象,嘗試將「翻轉教學」的設計概念融入課堂中。研究結果發現,課堂採用主題討論的方式, 評量採用Rubrics模式設計評分,對學生的期中報告作業,以及每週課後在教學平台進行的心得回饋進行評估,不僅能讓教師了解學生於報告中, 及每週單元中的學習成效, 透過教學平台的師生互動與回饋,也能加深學生對該週主題的認識。


In a traditional lecture pedagogical model, students capture what is being said at the instant the instructor says and are usually evaluated through the written examinations. Most instructors spend much time in lecturing knowledge and students only learn what is being said and transcribe the instructors ' words. The lecture pedagogical model is not effective to help students to develop the capabilities of becoming the quality citizens with literacy of ethics, democracy, science, and aesthetics. The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. The flipped model encourages interaction between instructors and students and among students and their peers, and puts more of the responsibility for learning on the shoulders of students, while giving them greater impetus to experiment and to think independently. Could the flipped model be applied to higher education and liberal education? There are lots of challenges to be overcome before instructors flip their pedagogical models and student s adopt this paradigm shift. It also needs more studies to evaluate the results. Professor Shu-Hao Yang applied the flipped classroom model in his "History, Culture and Living" class at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages. This paper provides a different point of view in class design and implementation for other instructors who may like to apply the flipped model in history classes. To understand the effectiveness of flipped classroom model, we used Rubrics model to evaluate the results of class discussion, students' mid-term reports and after-class feedback collected from backend internet platform. The study findings told us that flipped model could help instructors understand learning status of students and enable students to catch on weekly study topics deeply through interaction with instructors in the class and giving feedback at backend internet platform.




