  • 期刊


How the Training Curriculum of "Cross-Disciplinary Workplace Practice" Affects the Competency of Work-Study Students: A Case Study of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages




大學生 工讀 生涯 職能


In Taiwan's colleges, the number of work-study students each year is considerable. It is said that university campuses are the best places for students to develop their competency before they are formally employed, and it is worthwhile to upgrade the work-study opportunities on campuses into a competency cultivation mechanism. In this context, this study takes "Be Prepared to Perform" program in Wenzao Ursuline University of Language as an exploratory case study. Here, work-study students who work as administrative assistants and teaching assistants on campus take an 18-hour credit curriculum on "Cross-Disciplinary Workplace Practice," which helps students acquire important competency after their study and provides opportunities for practical work in university to test the development of their proficiency. The research method was survey method, using a self-edit "'Be Prepared to Perform': An Exploratory Case Study Evaluation Questionnaire" as the research instrument. The first survey (pre-test) was conducted before the curriculum, the second survey (mid-test) was conducted after the curriculum, and the third survey (post-test) was conducted after one semester of on-campus workplace practice. After excluding those who had abandoned their studies and who were not actually engaged in campus work-study, the valid sample size of the single survey was 106, and the total number of samples for the three surveys was 318. Statistical methods included one-way analysis of variance, descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation analysis, and chi-square test. The results of the study were the following: A. There was a positive relationship between the "Cross-Disciplinary Workplace Practice" curriculum and the development of the three functional dimensions; B. There were significant differences in "communication attitudes" and "conflict resolution" in the "expressive communication" competency by job nature; C. There is no significant difference in the development of the three dimensions of function among those who have different academic systems; D. There is no significant difference in the development of the three dimensions of functions among those with different working experiences. Finally, the research proposes suggestions for the work competency mechanism that cultivates college students and for future research.


college students work-study career competency


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1111NEWS產經新聞網(2019年7月1 7日)。 2019 學生暑期打工現況調查。2022年2月19日,擷取自https://www.1111.com.tw/news/jobns/124947。
