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Action Research on General Education Curriculum for Implementing the University Social Responsibility




In the past, universities were deemed as ivory tower with a certain distance away from the society, and the emphasis was on academic research. During the twentieth century, universities changed to foster the talents needed by society after baptism by modernization and professionalization. In the education of Taiwan, vocational colleges focus on equipping students with professional skills; however, students might be hindered from diverse development if professional skills acquisition was the only objective of education. General education in universities highlight the abilities to think, express, and reflect, as well as the sense of social responsibility. In the twenty-first century, universities are operated with support from the government and society, and they are expected to interact with the people and society more often than before, and take on more obligations. In this view, it will be the trend of time that universities should bear social responsibilities, and general education is an important way to fulfill this goal. According to the one-semester action research on vocational colleges to carry out social responsibility through the general education curriculum, this study discovered that discussions with school neighborhoods as the filed could promote common sense of place among classmates; cooperative learning could cultivate students' problem-solving and execution abilities and develop their confidence in handling social issues; the introduction of sustainable development into the curriculum will help students to observe, think, and judge. During the course, the dynamic role changes of teacher and students can effectively enhance the course effects.


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