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Exploring the Effect of General Education Courses Using Distance Teaching Format in Response to the COVID-19: A Case of Kaohsiung Medical University


嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(Coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)高度的傳染性使得大專校院被迫適度地改變教學型態(Teaching format),本研究旨在探討通識課程因應COVID-19後採用遠距教學型態之成效,評估學生成績表現與教學滿意度的影響,並進一步探究兩者之間的關係。本研究由校務資料庫擷取南部某醫學大學107-109學年下學期所開設之通識課程,實體教學3134人,混成教學3284人,遠距教學3200人,共有48門課,以不同教學型態作為預測變項,學生成績與教學滿意度問卷分數作為依變項進行迴歸分析,本研究有下述重要發現:(1)控制干擾變數後,遠距教學課程整體學生平均成績顯著高於實體教學課程之成績(adj. β = 0.044分,p < .001)。(2)學生對實體、混成以及遠距教學型態之教學滿意度並無顯著差異。(3)遠距教學型態之教學滿意度與學生成績具有顯著中度相關性(r = 0.451, p < .01)。此外,實體教學型態適用於經典文化領域通識課程之教學討論;混成以及遠距教學型態則更適合運用多媒體教學策略的審美鑑賞、環境與科學、以及跨域融通領域之通識課程。本研究為實證導向之校務分析,透過研究結果可進一步瞭解後疫情時代採用遠距教學型態在通識課程之成效,可提供大專校院未來課程規劃、教學設計與政策擬定之參考依據。


The highly contagious coronavirus disease 2019 (Coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) has affected traditional in-class face-to-face teaching in universities and has forced educators to moderately change their instructional approach. Many universities in Taiwan adopted the blended teaching model in the 2019 to 2020 academic years. In the 2019 academic year, universities adopted the blended teaching method, and in the 2020 academic year, universities adopted the distance teaching method. Daniel (2020) pointed out that in response to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, distance teaching has become a mainstream instructional tool for teachers to transfer knowledge to their students. However, much of society has mixed emotions regarding the replacement of face-to-face teaching by distance teaching. Citizens are concerned that distance teaching has greatly impacted teachers' instruction and students' learning. For teachers, the primary work challenges have been on understanding how to choose appropriate online teaching software, how to design a variety of online courses and effective assessment tools, and how to conduct teacher-student discussion and interaction. For students, the primary learning challenges have been online knowledge acquisition, the degree of participation and investment in course learning, and the learning effect on coursework. We believe that issues related to challenges experienced by teachers and students are worthy of further exploration. Therefore, this study explores the impact of distance teaching method on teachers and students. At the university level in Taiwan, general education courses are required courses for all students of different departments. To explore how teachers' instruction and students' learning in higher education were affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, this study conducted an investigation on the effects of distance learning in the general education courses during the COVID-19 epidemic. According to the purpose of the research, this research will explore the differences among teaching formats used in the 2018 to 2020. More specifically, we compared differences among the face-to-face teaching format used in 2018, the blended teaching format used in 2019, and the distance teaching format used in 2020 on the students' average course grade performance and satisfaction with teachers' teaching. This study presents the results of the empirical-oriented analysis to the general education center and different teaching units as a reference for future curriculum teaching policy and teaching practice research. Since some general education courses are not offered both in the first and second semesters, to effectively compare the impact of different teaching formats on student learning and teacher teaching in the academic years of 2018 to 2020, this study focused its investigation on general education courses in the second semester of each year. Data for students' average academic performance, and satisfaction of course teaching were extracted from the university's academic affair's database and analyzed according to the study's research purpose. After compiling and cleaning the data for the students' average academic performance, we looked at data collected from 3,134 students in 2018, data collected from 3,284 students in 2019, and data collected from 3,200 students in 2020. For students' satisfaction of course teaching, we looked at data collected from 2,148 students in 2018, data collected from 2,281 students in 2019, and data collected from 2,217 students in 2020. This research explores the different teaching formats as the predictor variables, and students' average academic performance scores and satisfaction of course teaching scores as the dependent variables for regression analysis. Correlation analysis was also used to explore the relationships between the two variables. Based on the analysis results, three major research conclusions can be drawn. First, the scores of students' average academic performance in the global field, aesthetic field and environmental field was significantly influenced through distance teaching. Among these scores, 60% of the students' average academic performance in distance teaching or blended teaching was significantly higher than scores collected among students in classroom using the face-to-face teaching. Second, the scores from students' satisfaction of course teaching through distance teaching was significantly lower than the face-to-face teaching score in the classical field general education course. However, 75% of the individual courses showed that the scores of students' satisfaction of course teaching in distance teaching or blended teaching was significantly higher than scores collected among students in classroom using the face-to-face teaching. Third, the scores of students' average academic performance was significantly and moderately related to the scores of students' satisfaction of course teaching when teachers used the distance instruction method. Neroni et al. (2019) mentioned that students' motivation in learning and their attitudes towards satisfaction of course teaching will have an impact on their academic performance. Through the correlation analysis results, this current study further found that when students have higher satisfaction of course teaching, their average academic performance in general education courses was better in the distance teaching. We suggest that teachers in the future should consider students' learning needs and academic performance in multiple ways when designing general education courses, choosing appropriate general education teaching media, and planning appropriate teaching content, which can effectively improve students' satisfaction of course teaching in general education courses. We also posit that such considerations can also positively affect students' academic performance. In addition, Ding (2021) discussed the impact of distance online cooperative learning on general education courses during the COVID-19 epidemic. Results of this current study indicated that students were more willing to communicate and discuss with their peers, devote more time and energy to the learning of the course in the distance learning environments, which helped to improve their academic performance. Therefore, we further suggest that appropriate research methods (such as quasi-experimental research, action research, etc.) can be further designed through the teaching practice research plan to deeply explore the impact of the distance learning model on teachers' teaching and students' learning in the future general education courses. Through long-term data collection and analysis, we propose that better policies and suggestions for the implementation and planning of general education courses in universities are very important to effectively improve the overall quality of general education courses. This research is an empirical-oriented research analysis. Through the results of the research, we can further understand the effects of the distance teaching format in general education courses after COVID-19 epidemic, which can provide universities as a reference for future curriculum planning, teaching design and policy formulation.


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