  • 期刊


On Revealing the Essence Function Implied in the First and Last Chapters of the Analects


《論語》為六經之樞紐,儒學之津梁,學者最當反覆潛玩。其中頗有以排比整齊之方式記載者,更是提鍊精純,耐人尋味,書之首末二章即是如此。《論語》首章為「進德修業之大」,乃孔子自述其聖學造境之次第者;末章為學者「切要之務」,乃孔子所以勉勵學者用功之程序者。 首章三節所講述之三番道理,有層層遞進之關係,後者之造境實以前者為基礎。首節言學習以致悅,重在成己;學固多端,然實以修德為首義。次節言朋來以致樂,重在成物;所謂朋,當指從學之弟子。末節言不知而不怨,能泰然處之;必至於成德之境地,方能超乎毀譽之外。 末章三節理境之遞進似未若首章明顯,唯就各節大義以觀,當亦有工夫層次之轉進。知命,則能行義而不為非;知禮,則有定守而不踰矩;知言,則能知人而無遁情。如是,則內足以成己之德,外足以盡人之情。然知言之所以可能,在經由修德以達乎理智之清明。 《論語》首末二章皆顯示孔子聖學造詣之逐步深化,亦學者所當勉力以赴者;此可與孔子所明言之修德歷程及各階段之造境比觀,以見其眉目。二章皆透露德智兼修、正己成人之意,而卒歸於渾化之圓融聖境;此殆為《論語》編者將二章置於書首與書末之微意。


學習 修德 君子 知命 天理 知言


Abstract The Analects, considered as the cornerstone of the Six Classics, and the portal to the domain of Confucianism, offers an ocean of treasure worthy of delving deep time and again for interested sinologists. The first and last chapters, above all, are the most sequentially categorized and concisely extracted part, which are pregnant with profound meanings. Leading off with ”the fundamentals of virtue and study cultivation,” Confucius, in the first chapter, recounted his progression up to sainthood; while in the last chapter, the master tried to urge disciples by presenting a progressive procedure of methodology. All three principles contained in the first three sections of the first chapter, are actually interrelated in an ascending progression, with the achievement of the third based on the fundamental first. Elaborating on the joyfulness of learning, the first section focuses on the self-fulfillment through virtue cultivation. The second section deals with the companionship of fellow disciples, whose assistance is of importance to our worldly achievement. In the third section, the master extolled the contenment of an enlightened gentleman, who holds no resentment against being in obscurity, and thus transcends above external praise or defamation. Similarly, the three sections in the last chapter, although less conspicuous in progressive order, also carry in them several continuous steps for further advancement of virtues in the latter half of a gentleman's life. Understanding the Mandate of Heaven, the master instructed, is what guides a gentleman in the course of righteous conduct without violation; by understanding propriety, one is principled without transgressing the norm; while by understanding the words, one possesses insight into people’s character without neglecting any insidiousness. In so doing, a gentleman is capable of establishing his integrity, while performs his humane duties toward the others. We should bear in mind that understanding the words would not be achievable unless we first attain clarity of mind via the cultivation of virtues. In comparison, we can see clearly that the first and last chapter shed considerable light on the textual thread that runs through the Analects. The revelation implied in both chapters, i.e. the concurrent cultivation of virtue and wisdom, and the rectification of self and establishing others, consummate in the ultimate attainment of sainthood. The implication embedded in the Analects which motivated Confucius's disciples in compiling the discourses is thus made clear.


