  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Sage Theory of Guo Xiang's "Nature Based Spiritual Freedom"


傳統的聖人觀是內聖外王,自然與名教兼至的天縱之才。但郭象的聖人觀卻別開出「逍遙」一義,逍遙的聖人不在身分、地位、朝野之別,而在於「足性」。萬物天然的稟受個個不同,性分不一,但如果能各足其性,則物物皆各自逍遙。「足性逍遙」是一種冲虛的玄智,主觀的生命境界,這是把個別事物的特殊性絕對化。事物「自生」、「獨化」皆無待於其他,事物的生生化化既是絕對,這就切斷了自身及物我時間先後和空間彼此的相聯繫,凸顯出當體當下個體的絕對性,肯定了自身及一切事物的圓滿自足,一逍遙一切逍遙,這是道家理論最圓頓的教義。 由此,郭象「足性逍遙」的聖人義在中國思想史上有其重要的地位。郭象打破天縱之聖的氣性限制,謂逍遙人人可致,又把儒家治世的名教消解於無形,這是使傳統的聖人玄學化了。而其學風則由玄學的境界本體論,再下接引般若佛性論,其影響可謂深遠。


玄學 郭象 聖人 逍遙 足性


The traditional view of a sage is an intellect that internally possesses virtue and outwardly acts as a ruler. However, Guo Xiang (also known as Kuo Hsiang) brought up another significance for a sage, namely ”xiao-yao” (spiritual freedom or carefree and unrestrained wandering). Carefree and unrestrained sages are not different in identity, status, in governmental circles or not, just in ”nature based.” Creations differ greatly from each other in nature; nevertheless, all of them will free and get their spiritual freedom if they are able to be based on nature and fulfill their nature. ”Nature Based Spiritual Freedom” is a kind of humble wisdom and a subjective state of life, and it absolutizes the specialty of individual thing. ”Spontaneous Generation” (tzu-sheng) and ”Self Transformation” (duhua) of creation do not rely on anything. Since propagation of creation is absolute, all links between identity and space-time are severed. It emphasizes the absoluteness of individual on the very moment. Approving integrality and self-contentness of oneself and everything, one is free and then everything is free. This is the most tactful doctrine of Taoism. Thereby, the sage theory of Guo Xiang's ”Nature Based Spiritual Freedom” has its significance in the history of Chinese thoughts. Guo Xiang broke the limit of ”chi” (temperament) of a sage; he considered that everybody is able to get spiritual freedom. He also evaporated ”Ming Jiao” (Value Morals and Institutions, includes the proper behavior being matched to the proper role) which Confucian scholars (rujia) used to manage the world, and it transcendentalized traditional sages. Moreover, the school discipline had a deep and far influence from ontology of metaphysics to Buddhadhatu theory.


Metaphysics Guo Xiang Sage Xiao-yao Nature Based


