  • 期刊


Criticize of Qing Zhou "Ming Xin Bao Jian" Spread to Korea




明心寶鑑 朝鮮


”Ming Xin Bao Jian” Completion while lasting A.D. 1375 to 1393, Annual and already quite popular in A.D.1441, Still included within the range of national collected books of 'Wen Yuan Ge'. Extant Qing Zhou ”Ming Xin Bao Jian” and then there is a postscript, Have especially left the characters that A.D1454 annual Qing Zhou officers sign to note down, Have proved this is exactly Qing Zhou ”Ming Xin Bao Jian” Spread until the times of Korea. Materials before once keeping A.D.1393 annually in the postscript, This has shown in Korean Qing Zhou ”Ming Xin Bao Jian” There is a fact of this existence of Chinese publications before this, And there was existence of S.Korean publication one until at this moment. As to ”Ming Xin Bao Jian” Introduce to the discusion with channel of times of Korea, Still seldom get the scholar's concern so far. In terms of textual research of this text one, ”Ming Xin Bao Jian” Will make use of envoy Jin You, Jin Xing to send as an envoy to the irrigation ditch of Korea and introduce to Korea in the Ming Dynasty most probably, Signed by the influencing at that time biggest Min Qian in A.D.1454, And Qing Zhou begun in Korea is published and spread, This is today the finding is the earliest ”Ming Xin Bao Jian” Intact edition.


Ming Xin Bao Jian Korea


《Beng sim po cam》,Juan cobo,藏於西班牙馬德里國立圖書館(編號6040),A.D.1595年,在筆者的研究中稱之為《西譯本》
《新鍥京板正譌音釋提頭大字明心寶鑑正文》上、下卷,日本京都大學貴重資料畫像庫,近衛文庫,明‧王衝校,和刊・寛永8 年(A.D.1631)・覆書林弼廷陳氏刊本,太倉緱山王衡校、書林弼廷陳氏梓,卷末署「《寬永辛未三月道伴刊行》」。(書名ヨミ:メイシンホウカンセイブン。請求記号:01-84/メ/1 貴),在筆者的研究中稱之為《王衝本》
