  • 期刊


From Outsiders to Insiders: The Learning Process of The Graduates Whose Majors Were Not Sociology at Graduate School Of Sociology


本研究是從社會學的社會學之角度去探討國內社研所非科班生的學習歷程。過往的相關研究甚少關注碩士班的知識養成過程,因此本研究的目的在於喚起國內學界對於新一代社會學人培育過程的重視。研究者以Alvin Gouldner的範疇假定與Pierre Bourdieu的文化資本、慣習概念為理論架橋,進而分析與詮釋非科班生的學習歷程。社會化向來是社會學的核心議題,本研究嘗試聚焦於非科班生在社研所場域內的社會(學)化過程。研究發現非科班生於學習過程中因為舊有知識體系與社會學既有範疇假定的不一致,以及不同學科間思維慣習的差異,致使她/他們往往必須費時較長以累積足夠的文化資本與新慣習的養成,甚至歷經慣習的滯固,方能適應研究所的生活。此外,雖然社會學界內各學者秉持的範疇假定相當歧異,位對於社研所碩士論文的要求卻相當地標準化。


By sociology of sociology (SOS) this research discusses the learning process of the graduates at graduate school of sociology whose majors were not sociology. In Taiwan, the related researches of SOS have paid little attention to the cultivation of graduates. Therefore, this goal of this research lies in arousing the concern for the education of young sociologists. About the foreign literatures, this research mainly focuses on the development of SOS in America. Adopting the concepts of domain assumptions, cultural capital and habitus, this research tries to analyze and interpret the learning process. I conducted in-depth interview with 15 graduates graduated from graduate school of sociology to collect information enough. The socializatiol1 has been the sociological core subject, therefore this research focuses on the socialization process of the graduates who didn't major in sociology. The results of the research show that because of different domain assumptions and hysteresis of habitus between disciplines, the graduates who didn't major in sociology tend to take much time to accumulate cultural capital enough and to be adapted for learning. Although sociologists have held various domain assumptions about men and society, the standards of master theses have been very consistent.
