  • 期刊


Residents' Perception toward Tourism Impact-A Study of Wu-Tai, Pingtung


近年來由於觀光產業的蓬勃發展,國人對於旅遊方式已逐漸由走馬看花轉變爲深度旅遊之形式。而隨著社會對於環境保育與永續觀光議題的重視,生態旅遊的觀念在近年來也慢慢發展爲國內旅遊市場的新興活動。但應如何在開發與永續之間取得平衡,則一直是各地區推動生態旅遊時的關鍵問題。屏東縣霧台鄉從事部落營造工作已行之有年,堪稱是國內原鄉部落整體環境營造相當成功之典範,由於境內生態資源豐富,近年來亦積極推動生態旅遊之發展,因此希望能夠藉由研究當地居民對於觀光衝擊的認知情形,以提供其他欲推廣生態旅遊之地區相關具體之建議。 本研究共計回收有效問卷127份,研究結果發現,受訪者普遍對於觀光衝擊之感受多抱持正向態度,而以「提升地方知名度」、「改善公共設施」、「幫助社區互動更加密切」、以及「增加就業機會」等部份獲得較高之認同度:在「親友來訪造成經濟負擔」、「造成物價上漲」與「降低人口外流」等項目方面則較獲得較低之認同。此外,在社經背景方面,居民對於觀光衝擊的態度主要會受到性別、年齡、教育程度、居住地與職業別之影響:而居住時間則不會使居民的認知產生差異。


Due to the recent radically booming tourism industry, domestic tourism development has shifted its focus. Planners are paying much more attention to environmental protection issues, thus eco-tourism is beginning to play an essential role in influencing domestic tourism activities. Important issues between tourism development and ecological preservation are being addressed. Wutai Tribe tourism development, in southern Taiwan serves as a successful example of bountiful natural and cultural resources being considered alongside environmental challenges. The purpose of this study was to investigate local residents' perception toward the impact of tourism, so as to provide useful information for host communities and related industries. This study acquired 127 effective questionnaires and the results revealed that the majority of respondents possessed positive perceptions. There is high satisfaction revealed, related to strengthening the local image, improving local facilities, along with higher community interaction and increasing employment opportunity. Lower response scores were found on retaining residents, higher expenditures, and higher social expenses .Socio-economic factors colored respondents' perceptions-factors such as age, educational background, length of residency, and occupation (though the length of residency revealed no significant difference upon respondent perception of tourism.)


陳偉銘(2014)。運動觀光發展意願模式之建構 -以太魯閣峽谷馬拉松賽為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-2611201410190506
