  • 期刊


The Marketing Strategies of International Medical Tourism


本研究旨在配合政府經濟發展之觀光醫療政策,行銷僑胞回國探親,兼具觀光和醫療保健,期「打造台灣醫療國際品牌,讓台僑走進來,醫療走出去」。研究結果發現觀光醫療的發展首先要以是以觀光為主,醫療為輔,從安全性高、恢復期較短及易受消費者接受的項目開始。根據經建會指出之觀光醫療等侵入性較小的項目,包括雷射矯正近視、健康檢查、整型醫學美容、牙科、中醫等是擁有國際競爭力的強項,因此建議政府應從上述五項開始推廣行銷。醫療觀光之行銷策略如下:儘速開放大陸人士來台醫療自由行簽證,令希望來台就醫者能夠自由行,促進台灣的醫療產業經濟。政府應做為醫療觀光的推手,將協會納入經建會運作,藉由政府做完整的組織推動並以用國家的資源行銷,同時透過醫師專業知識行銷,如此方能使目標對象信服。可以通過會展、友好的同業或相關產業口耳相傳,必須尋找具備醫療平台的介面協助建立通路上的架構。醫療院所結合觀光相關產業、養生、long stay等,利用各自原有通路,擴大行銷通路。醫療產品部份,定位於侵入性或低侵入性的醫療行為開始,由淺入深。價格策略上不需要抬高或降低,就照實價來做即可。大陸人士與華僑而言,台灣本質上有安全保障的優勢,我們不要用價格來做競爭,而是利用品質面;推動本項工作時,要以醫療品質做區隔,以品質的優異取得優勢。


Internalization has become a trend in the healthcare services industry in recent years, leading to considerable annual growth in the value of medical tourism. In view of this trend, the Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) announced on March 21, 2007 that it has drawn up a three-year plan to promote medical tourism to Taiwan and will contribute NT$ 10.5 billions to establish a complete value chain system, including communication, hospitalizing, post-surgical care both on the island and abroad, through strategic marketing and intensive advertising to build up the brand image of high-quality healthcare services in Taiwan. Taiwan, with rich tourism resources and high quality advanced medical technology, has developed a strong niche to develop medical tourism industry. That will enable this part of Taiwan to attract medical tourists traveling for health and leisure reasons. Furthermore, the relatively more competitive prices of medical treatments and traveling expenses can be appealing to foreign travelers. These reasons underscore the high growth potential of the health tourism market in Taiwan. Promoting medial tourism to western world has been a trend in Asian countries. Taiwan posses rich medical and tourist resources, that we believe, will appeal to foreigner to travel to Taiwan. This program integrates academia-industrial collaboration involving international and local organizations to make efforts in building up the brand image of medical tourism in Southern Taiwan and creating great output value.


