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Historical Analysis of the Contemporary Educational Policies of the Republic of China




This research will separate the educational policies of the Republic of China into the following three time periods: 1997 to 2008 (educational reform policies in motion prior to change of ruling party), 2008 to 2011 (government with President Ma in office until present), and post 2012 (educational policies to be carried out in the near future). In total, 14 important educational policies cited include the following: reduced classroom size of elementary schools; establishing more high schools, vocational schools, and universities; 9 years of consistent curriculum; utilizing multiple textbooks for one curriculum; career development evaluations for teachers of elementary and middle school pilot schools; retirement pensions for the teachers and staff of private schools; mainland Chinese students studying in Taiwan and recognition of their educational background; tuition waiver of vocational schools; teacher unions; handling of matters regarding on-campus bullying and sexual harassment; Taipei/Keelung united entrance exams for high schools and vocational schools (TTK Test); junior high school teacher tax; and unification of child care and kindergartens with 12 years of national education. Through literary review and questionnaires, this research hopes to understand the opinions of teachers in middle schools and elementary schools of the Republic of China towards previous educational policies. This research proposes the following: 1) educational policies put into motion should be based on complete consideration and planning, 2) problems regarding quality of universities should carefully consider specific supporting measures, and 3) policies regarding mainland Chinese students studying in Taiwan should move forward with lifting the ban and ensuring the rights of Taiwanese students to equality.


