  • 期刊


Research the Effect of "Disaster Prevention and Response Act" and the Best Timing to Issue "Emergency Order Power"


莫拉克水災,重創南台灣,造成南台灣七百多人罹難或失踨,部分國人要求政府發布緊急命令,進行救災與重建。但政府部門,卻不主張發布緊急命令,因而引起社會大眾之嚴厲批評。據此,媒體以1999年921大地震為例,不斷讚揚李前總統,如何採取緊急命令,進行救災與災後重建,暗諷馬政府作風保守,墨守成規,然而馬政府為何甘受國人批評,而不願意發布緊急命令,堅持依據災害防救法,進行救災與災後重建呢?這是本文研究之目的。 所以本文是從憲法緊急命令的內容、限制因素著手,說明緊急命令發布的適當時機,再進一步闡述馬政府主張災害防救法的立場,以及未來災害防救法修法之方向與改進之處。


Typhoon Morakot battered southern Taiwan, more than 700 people dead or missing in this disaster. Some people asked Government to issue the ”Emergency order power” to help and rebuild. But the government department dose not advocates it therefore they got everyone's severely criticizes. In particular, the media take the 921 earthquake in 1999 for example; repeatedly commended the former President Lee how to take an ”Emergency order power” to carry out relief and post-disaster recovery and Innuendo about the government of Ma is a conservative team. The purpose of this article is that why the government of Ma does not issue the ”Emergency order power” and insist follow the ”Disaster prevention and response act”? This article is probe into the content and constraint on the constitution of Emergency order power to statement when is the best time to issue it. Then, explain the standpoint (disaster prevention and response act) of the government of Ma and the direction of modify law and improvement in the future.


