  • 期刊


The influence of six-week interactive game training on standing postural away performance


目的:本研究目的為探討六週接水果互動遊戲平衡訓練,對人體站姿區段關節位移量表現差異之影響,為何?方法:受試者以健康男大生20名(控制組=10;訓練組=10),赤足接受連續六週氣壓式動態站姿平衡台面接水果遊戲訓練。為了解訓練前、後各區段關節三維位移量的變化,在人體下肢腳踝、膝蓋、髖部、頸部及頭頂部,穿載加速計(Xsens - MTw Development kit)以蒐集受試者睜、閉眼情境之晃動軌跡。資料統計,以二因子多變量變異數分析檢定(組間),考驗訓練前與訓練後的差異。所有考驗水準定為α = .05。結果:閉眼情境條件訓練前後髖部、頸部、頭頂部晃動總長與立方體積,都有顯著的水準。結論:本研究設計體感互動遊戲系統,結合動態站姿平衡,實施短期密集式站姿接水果訓練,並以運動學方式蒐集人體站姿三維區段關節的位移量,探討其訓練前、後身體晃動軌跡總長、平均速度與立方體體積等變異。人體站姿晃動區段關節的位移量,經六週體感互動遊戲訓練,有效獲得訓練效益的檢証。這說明站姿體感互動接水果遊戲,除提升玩家動態平衡能力外,亦可作為運動平衡適能等研究的參考。


體感遊戲 接水果 晃動軌跡


Purpose: This study aimed to design an interactive fruit-catching game system, which was integrated with dynamic-standing-balance training to examine differences in segment joint displacement before and after training. Methods: The sample consisted of 20 healthy male undergraduates from Ming Chuan University (control group = 10, training group = 10). The participants received fruit-catching game training barefoot on a pneumatic dynamic-standing-balance training platform for 6 weeks. To understand the changes in 3D displacement of each segment joint before and after training, An Xsens-MTw development kit was fitted on the participants' ankles, knees, hip, neck, and crown of the head to collect data on the sway pathways displayed by participants under open and closed-eye conditions. The data collected were analyzed using two-way MANOVA multivariate analysis of variance tests. A significance level of α = .05 was used for all tests. Results: Under closed-eyed conditions, participants achieved significant improvements in (1) total length of hip, neck, and head sway pathways; and (2) cube volumes. Conclusions: This study designed a motion-interactive game system that was used in conjunction with dynamic-standing-balance training to conduct short-term intensive fruit-catching training while standing. Kinematic analysis methods were used to collect data on the participants' 3D displacement of segment joints in the standing position. The data collected were used to examine the participants' changes in the total length of body sway pathways and the cube volumes at pretest and at posttest. The displacement of dynamic segment joints in patients in the standing position improved after 6 weeks of motion-interactive game training. These results indicated that this motion-interactive fruit-catching game can be used to improve dynamic balancing ability. Additionally, it can be used as a research tool in investigating balance ability.


陳玫樺、高木榮、鄭誠功、賴弘仁、陳芳蒂、徐菁蕾(2013)。Wii Fit 遊戲平台對慢性中風患者平衡能力復健之效果。北市醫學雜誌,10(4),295-308。
