  • 期刊


The Writing of the Buddho-Daoist Polemics in Early Tang: A Research on Poxie Chapter in Daoshi's Fayuan zhulin


三教話語的交涉融合乃是中國文化特徵之一。唐初釋道世編纂佛教類書《法苑珠林》一百卷,由篇和部組成,篇末記〈感應緣〉,後者包括唐以前與唐初靈驗故事、傳說、儒家和道教典籍,反映當時三教爭論的文化環境。外典文本的引用可視為對佛理闡釋的一種特殊「注解」,與唐初儒釋兩家的講經和義疏有密切關係。佛教經典的漢譯、佛教偽經、佛教文學作品等經過很特別的過程,以文本為媒介,佛教展開對中國傳統文化的詮釋。本文以《法苑珠林》卷五十五釋、道二教爭議〈破邪篇〉為研究文本,首先,透過宗教文學的角度分析文本的敘述特色,從其經典的目錄分類討論其中的意義流轉,進一步探究道世對釋、道二教經典的引用。其次,結合長詞優先法(Maximum Matching Algorithm,MM)的標記流程以及斷詞(Word Segmentation)兩種研究方式將〈破邪篇〉的靜態文本型態轉換為動態文本,從文本的角度凸出由多層次文本組成的整體,以數位人文研究的方法將道世主觀性的敘述呈現客觀性的性質,透過詞彙的分析探究體現在詞彙的具體歷史事件如何囊括觀念、描述釋、道二教爭議的觀念史,藉此進一步思考二教在唐初對文獻的運用形成的宗教實踐。


One of the specifics of Chinese culture is the synthesis between the three teachings. The Buddhist encyclopedia Fayuan zhulin in 100 juan compiled by Daoshi in the early Tang Dynasty(618-907)includes ganying yuan at the end of each chapter, which consists of stories of numinous manifestations, legends, and uses numerous Confucian classics and Daoist texts, and thus reflects the cultural environment of the debates between the three teachings at that time. The use of non-Buddhist texts can be perceived as a unique "annotation", which bears close relation to early Tang explication comments to classic texts. In Chinese Buddhism the translated Buddhist sutras, the apocrypha, the Buddhist literature underwent a unique process, in which Buddhism used the medium of the text to interpret traditional Chinese culture. This article discusses Poxie chapter with its focus on the debates between Buddhism and Daoism, from the point of view of religious literature first analyzes its narratological specifics, and explains the transformation of meaning contained in the way of classifying the texts cited by Daoshi in the chapter, to discuss the methods of rhetorical use of Buddhist and Daoist texts. Second, applying keyword analysis by markup with Maximum Matching Algorithm and word segmentation, the article examines how the transformation of the static text into a dynamic one sets out a multi-layered type of text, in which the mechanisms, possibilities and implications of obtaining an objective text from Daoshi's subjective account are explored. Through the lexical analysis, the article discusses how certain vocabulary encompassing particular historical events reveals ideas, thus we are able to reconstruct the literary context of the debates presented by Daoshi and the history of the ideas related to it, and to reconsider the religious practice of using texts during the Buddhist-Daoist polemics in early Tang.


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