  • 期刊


Life, Death, and Time from the Perspective of Female Playwrights during the Ming and Qing Dynasties




In this research I will discuss the significance of time as reflected in the theme and structure of the dramas written by female playwrights of the Ming and Qing dynasties. I plan to give particular attention to how they use plot development and different themes to reveal their views on the flow of time, the impermanence of worldly affairs, and the limitations of a human lifetime. I will also examine how the structure and significance of time is reflected in the form of their scripts, which exhibit a unique chronotope fashioned out of their inner yearnings and subjective experience of time. Finally, I will investigate the actual lives of these playwrights, in an effort to determine how they used their writing to present their ideas on time and life, protest the transience of life, and attempt to enter into eternity.


(明)王穉豋:〈馬湘蘭傳〉,秦淮寓客編:《綠窗女史》,《明清善本小說叢刊(初編)》,臺北:天一出版社,1985 年,第二輯「短篇文言小說」,卷 12。
(明)呂天成撰、吳書蔭校注:《曲品校註》,北京:中華書局,1990 年。
(明)胡文煥編:《群音類選》,北京:中華書局,1980 年,據明刊本影印。
(明)湯顯祖:《南柯記》,(明)毛晉:《六十種曲》第四冊,北京:中華書局,1958 年。
(明)葉小紈:《鴛鴦夢》(清乾隆二十三年(1758)重刻《午夢堂集》本),《傅惜華藏古典戲曲珍本叢刊》18 冊,北京:學苑出版社,2010 年。
