  • 期刊


Examination of How Newspapers in the Shanghai Literary Fields (1943-1949) Imagined and Shaped Eileen Chang and Her Works




文學場域 張愛玲 報刊 想像 形塑


Since her first official publication in 1943, Eileen Chang had shown active participation in the cultural fields of Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Despite her death in 1995, her impact remains strong to this day. Due to different special political and social factors in the Shanghai literary fields, female writers in the occupied areas were given opportunities to develop their potential, which resulted in the emergence of Eileen Chang. In order to have a better understanding of the reasons and background that gave rise to such a unique historical zone, it is imperative to first examine the literary fields faced by Eileen Chang. In addition, as a prestigious female writer, how Eileen Chang was imagined in the Shanghai literary fields? In what ways was this female writer utilized by various powers in the fields to imagine and shape China? What was the reaction of Eileen Chang to this situation? To address these questions, this article focuses on two phases for discussion. Phase one starts with Eileen Chang's first publication of her work in May 1943 and ends with China's victory in the War of Resistance on 15^(th) August 1945. Phase two covers the period after 15^(th) August 1945 until the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949. This article will organize and categorize all newspaper commentaries in the fields concerning Eileen Chang and her works. It will then analyze the imagination of various powers in the fields towards Eileen Chang as a female writer. Emphasis will be put on examining the conformity of their imagination to the established gender and national narrative conventions.


Literary fields Eileen Chang newspapers imagination shaping


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